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This article investigates the role of the Russian language in the tourism sector. In particular it discusses learning materials for the self-study of Russian for tourism workers initiated by the European Union. The author shows the advantages of the online course Retur, which combines traditional methods with modern interactive multimedia teaching aids: video, audio and written teaching materials. In the article methods of selection of lexical and grammatical material, choice of thematic blocks and thematic units are discussed. The author comes to the conclusion that the tourism sector in a number of European countries is interested in training tourism workers in Russian in tourist services. Here, Russian as a foreign language becomes a demanded “commodity” that provides added value, and the teaching of Russian should serve as the formation of a communicative competence in Russian for future and current employees in tourism.

About the authors

Antonia Pencheva

University of National and World Economy

Antonia Pencheva, PhD, Senior Lecturer of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics Department at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria. She is Lecturer of Russian in the Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bulgaria. Research interests: comparative linguistics, text linguistics, (more specifically the text of international treaties and documents), business Russian language, intercultural communication, problems of translating artistic and specialized literature. She participates in university- and international scientific projects. UNWE Student Town, 1700 Sofia, Bulgaria


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