The use of fixed points in experimental research of the internal friction of material

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The aim of the work. The work is devoted to experimental research of internal friction parameters of the material. Methods. The research of internal friction is carried out by consideration of damped oscillations of the experimental system that consist of rigid plates and a specimen in a state of pure bending. We propose to locate bearings in the fixed points to minimize energy losses in support fastenings. Fixed points are determined by using a finite element complex with consideration of free oscillations of the loose model. Results. Damping curves were determined, which demonstrate a very small logarithmic decrement of oscillations and frequency independence of inertial friction. The main result of the work is the tested improvements of the experimental technique, among which the main one is the use of fixed points for determining the places of fastening of the laboratory installation

About the authors

Vladimir B. Zylev

Russian University of Transport

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Science (Technical), Professor, Head of the Department of Structural Mechanics

9 Obraztsova St., Moscow, 127994, Russian Federation

Pavel O. Platnov

Russian University of Transport


PhD student of the Department of Structural Mechanics

9 Obraztsova St., Moscow, 127994, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Zylev V.B., Platnov P.O.

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