Vol 20, No 5 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/structural-mechanics/issue/view/1828
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/1815-5235-2024-20-5
Full Issue
Analytical and numerical methods of analysis of structures
Strength Model for Concrete in Near-Reinforcement Region
The relevant problem of concrete strength in the near-reinforcement zone is solved as a problem of volumetric stress-strain state with the “closure” of output integral parameters of this zone on the framework of the whole reinforced concrete element, synthesizing hypotheses and dependencies of various disciplines of solid mechanics, including fracture mechanics. The model of reinforced concrete element takes into account Vl.I. Kolchunov’s effect of reinforced concrete, which describes the mechanism of formation and development of transverse and longitudinal cracks. In this respect, generalized hypotheses of linear and shear strains for warping and gradients of relative mutual displacements of reinforcement and concrete are adopted. New functionals of reinforced concrete are constructed, which are consistent with the physical interpretations of the strength of cross-sections of bar elements in near-reinforcement zones. Constitutive equations for the concrete matrix, which models zones between transverse cracks, are written. The displacement components for the nearreinforcement zone in relation to the crack opening width at the “concrete-reinforcement” contact interface in transverse, longitudinal and radial cracks, respectively, are found. The use of the adopted assumptions and a multi-level calculation approach for the near-reinforcement region brings the model significantly closer to a real evaluation of the physical phenomena.

Algorithm for Calculating Statically Indeterminate Trusses Using the Force Method
The study focuses on developing an algorithm for calculating statically indeterminate trusses using the force method. The main challenge in algorithmizing the force method lies in obtaining the solution to the homogeneous equilibrium equations, which is complicated by the ambiguity in selecting the primary system. The idea behind the presented algorithm is based on using the transposed compatibility matrix of the structure as the general solution to the homogeneous equilibrium equations. The governing system of equations eliminates the need to select redundant unknowns, as the column of unknowns is generated automatically. The method for obtaining compatibility equations in statically indeterminate truss cells is presented through a direct examination of changes in the area of truss loops. The compatibility matrix of the system is composed of rows of compatibility equations for independent statically indeterminate truss loops. Compatibility equations for the deformations of triangular and rectangular truss cells are derived, and a method for obtaining compatibility equations for externally statically indeterminate trusses is described. Using the proposed algorithm, the flexibility matrix of a truss with parallel chords is presented. The algorithm removes the ambiguity in selecting the primary system, and the structure of the flexibility matrix is determined by the numbering of the statically indeterminate loops of the system. There is no need to use the equilibrium equations when constructing the flexibility matrix of the structure.

Development of Analytical Method for Cable-stayed Bridges Considering Local Damages Caused by Failure of Supporting Cables
Bridge structures are often subjected to extreme conditions such as rough weather, earthquakes, impacts from traffic accidents, and even blasts. Such extreme loads can cause damage to the anchorage zones as a result of high stress concentration and can lead to cable loss. Such extreme loads can cause dam-age to the anchorage zones as a result of a highstress concentration and can lead to cable loss. One of the main targets of this study is to develop an analytical method that increases our understanding of the behavior of long-span cable-supported bridges in the case of the failure of one or several cables,through this method, a formula can be deduced to calculate dynamic amplification factor (DAF) more accurately, which could be useful for academic research. In this study, a parallel-load bearing system is considered as a conceptual model of long-span cable-supported bridges. The objective is to investigate the structural robustness of long-span cablesupported bridges in a cable-loss scenario. The conceptual model consists of a beam suspended from cables (tension elements). A simplified model is intentionally selected to make the analytical approach easier. If examining the simplified model shows a certain phenomenon, a similar phenomenon in more sophisticated models can also be expected. The study considers multiple cable failures and employs an analytical approach, developing an approximation function for stress magnification factor in cable break scenarios, using least squares method. The proposed approximation function is accurate and less than 5% error-free in all tested systems, except for minor β values, and increasing β reduces stress magnifica-tion factor. The parameter β influences the calculation of the cable load. For systems with high β values, smaller design loads are necessary, allowing long-span cable-stayed bridges to be segmented into zones with varying β values. This approach enables the determination of minimum design loads for each zone, ultimately reducing cable design costs in cases of cable loss.

Analysis of thin elastic shells
Dynamic Response of Doubly-Curved Shallow Shells to Periodic External Action
Shallow shells of double curvature are often used as elements of building structures and are subjected to various external effects, including dynamic periodic loads. The paper proposes to extend the previously proposed approach to modeling the process of deformation of thin shells to a class of problems with periodic effects. A mathematical model is used based on the Timoshenko - Reissner hypotheses, taking into account transverse shears, geometric nonlinearity and rotational inertia. The calculation algorithm is based on the method of L.V. Kantorovich and the Rosenbrock method for solving rigid ODE systems. The calculations are performed in Maple. Dynamic responses are obtained for an isotropic shallow shell of double curvature at different frequency values, and vertical displacement fields are shown at peak values of the oscillation amplitude.

Analysis and design of building structures
Long-Term Operation of Reinforced Concrete Frame on Deformable Soil Base Considering Loading and Exposure Conditions
The possibility of using computational methods to take into account the service life, nonlinearity and rheology of deformation of the materials used and potential corrosion damage of various reinforced concrete structural elements already at the design stage, which will allow to determine cross-sectional dimensions and assign the required grades of concrete and reinforcement, is studied. The considered process of long-term deformation of reinforced concrete under varying external load conditions is based on the integral estimation method of deformation resistance, which relies on the use of integral deformation modulus. A method for calculating a reinforced concrete frame on a soil base in aggressive environment under the conditions of rheological deformation has been developed, which reflects the real operation of structural elements under the combined influence of force and non-force factors based on the modern phenomenological theory of deformation of an elastic creeping body. Long-term operation of a reinforced concrete frame on a soil base, taking into account corrosion damage, is evaluated. An example calculation of a reinforced concrete frame of a building on a soil base is given for various operation periods and the presence of corrosion damage. It is shown that damage due to exposure of reinforced concrete structures can affect the strength of the material, change the calculation models, redistribute stresses in the cross-sections of the structure and also lead to other consequences that reduce the design life of buildings.

Transformed Calculation Models in Practice of Dynamic Analysis of Fixed Offshore Platform Structures
In this study, an attempt is made to study the nature of changes in the characteristics of the stress-strain state (SSS) of a fixed offshore platform structure under the influence of seismic loads. The structure is installed on a truss-type support base and is fixed in operating position by steel tubular piles driven into the soil base through support columns (deep foundation). A combined 3D finite element model “Superstructure - Pile Foundation - Soil Base” was used as the research tool. The purpose of the study was to develop a methodology for analyzing the dynamics of a fixed offshore platform as a 3D mechanical model, the finite element model of which is characterized by a large number of degrees of freedom. The efficiency of the numerical analysis of the system is increased by constructing a transformed calculation model (TCM). The transformation involves the transition to contour and calculation super nodes located along the axis of symmetry of the foundation pile. Contour nodes are used to connect the Substructure of super nodes to the Superstructure. The calculation nodes allow to take into account the vibrations of the pile foundation in the soil base. An algebraic computational procedure is proposed that allows the formation of matrices of generalized stiffness and mass coefficients. Modal analysis using a transformed calculation model (TCM) provides a significant reduction in the order and total computational time of the mechanical system. The possibility of analyzing dynamic reactions by a direct method based on the accelerogram of a real earthquake is provided.

Experimental researches
Monitoring of Technical Condition of Buildings by Seismic Method
The research object is the natural resonance frequencies of the buildings of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (UB RAS) located in Ekaterinburg and their distribution at observation points. The method of spectral ratios (HVSR or the Nakamura method), which allows hidden construction defects to be identified, is applied to analyze the resonance characteristics. Periodic monitoring of technical condition allows to calculate and evaluate changes in dynamic characteristics over time. Equal values of the amplitude extrema of the spectral ratio curve and uniform distribution of the values throughout the building indicate a normal operational state of the structure. The presence of abnormally high values at some points may be due to hidden defects and requires additional study. A method for calculating vulnerability coefficient is demonstrated. According to the results of annual monitoring (since 2017), the stable state of the Institute of Geophysics building of UB RAS is demonstrated, and a comparison with resonant frequencies obtained from the standard project (Institute of Geology & Geochemistry of UB RAS) is presented. This article presents a method for assessing seismic stability by calculating horizontal acceleration ( ) at observation points. Acceleration is calculated at the maximum possible seismic event in the studied region (44 cm/s²). The possible maximum acceleration is calculated, taking into account the characteristics of the soil, for the observation point with the highest , = 30.6 cm/s², which corresponds to an earthquake intensity of 5.6.

Load-Bearing Capacity of Podium Frame for Translucent Atrium Roof
The object of the study is the strength and load-bearing capacity of an element of a translucent atrium roof with a podium frame made of glass composite filled with foam glass. Mechanical tests were carried out on a full-scale sample using specialized equipment to study the joint operation of the load-bearing steel structure, roof element and element fastening. The test method for determining load-bearing capacity is based on the method of static compression testing of a multilayer composite material. The test was carried out in laboratory conditions using certified equipment. The following parameters were tracked during the tests: load, deformation behavior, and deflection of the sample. The test was carried out until the sample was destroyed. Results. The load-bearing capacity of the podium frame made of fiberglass has been determined. A graph of the relationship between deformation (deflection) of the element and the load was obtained. The tests confirmed the possibility of using a podium frame made of glass composite filled with foam glass for a translucent atrium roof. The load-bearing capacity significantly exceeds the design loads during operation. The characteristics of failure of the fastening locations in the structure were obtained. Strengthening the fastening holes of the structure can be considered as one of the promising areas for further research. The directions for future studies of the element of the translucent atrium roof made of glass composite filled with foam glass are considered.

Reviews, references