- Authors: Dzhusupov M.1
- Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
- Issue: Vol 10, No 1 (2019)
- Pages: 167-176
- URL:
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This paper deals with the problem of interlingual and intercultural interrelations of the Turkic world of Eurasia with other lingual and cultural national entities. Issue of such interrelations is based on the analysis of lexeme ‘dictionary’, which was borrowed from the Arabic language on the material of the content of its definition in explanatory dictionaries of the Kazakh (лұғат) and Uzbek (луғат) languages. Term lugat (лұғат) means the same in the Kazakh and Uzbek languages, but it is presented differently in the explanatory dictionaries. Meanings of lexeme ‘dictionary’ are presented in more quantity in the Uzbek dictionary, than they are in the Kazakh dictionary. There are also presented word-terms, which were formed from the lexeme lugat by suffixation (луғатчи (lugatchi), луғатшунос (lugatshunos), луғатшунослик (lugatshunoslik), which form synonymic rows with the terms lexicographer, lexicography. Words лұғатшы (lugatshy), лұғатшылык (lugatshylyk) aren’t presented as independent dictionary entries in the Kazakh dictionary. Given words exist in lexis of the Kazakh language, but their usage is rare in the speech of linguists. These lexemes are stylistically colored units in the Uzbek language. Lexeme lugat is marked as literary in the Kazakh dictionary. Lexeme lugat hasn’t dictionary mark “literary” in the Uzbek dictionary, i.e. the word is characterized with neutral stylistic nuance. Borrowed word, which was became a heritage of the Kazakh and Uzbek languages, kept its original semantics, but it acquired new meanings, which were created by word-formative models of the two languages. It became one of the reasons of appearance of essential distinctions in the content of their presentation in explanatory dictionaries of two Turkic recipiented languages.
About the authors
Mahanbet Dzhusupov
Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Science in Philology, professor, professor
Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 100138, Kichik Halka Yuli str. G-9A, 21-aReferences
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