Consent of the site user to personal data processing

Terms and conditions for processing personal data of users of the RUDN UNIVERSITY SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS PORTAL 

(hereinafter referred to as Terms and Conditions)

  1. Conditions, purposes, content and procedure for processing personal data (hereinafter referred to as PD) using automation tools, measures aimed at protecting PD, as well as measures aimed at identifying and preventing violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of PD, which are carried out by the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University), legal/postal address: Moscow, st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6.
  2. The Operator processes of the RUDN Scientific Journals Portal (hereinafter referred to as the Portal) users PD in accordance with these Terms and Conditions within the framework of legal relations with the Operator regulated by the current Russian legislation and Policy.
  3. The Operator processes the following types of PD of users.
  • Surname,
  • Name,
  • Middle name / patronymic (if any)
  • E-mail,
  • User ID stored in the cookie*,
  • ORCID iD (if available),
  • SPIN code (if available),
  • Scopus Author ID (if available),
  • ResearcherId (if available),
  • Mendeley Profile (if available),
  • Publons Profile (if available),
  • Organization (Organization name, organization address),
  • Academic Degree,
  • Academic Title
  • Position,
  • personal page on the website of the organization (place of work) of the user on the Internet.


* Used only in the journal site system. PD marked in paragraph 3 with the symbol (*) are not subject to transfer and distribution.

  1. The Operator has the right to process the PD listed above in order to carry out the legal activities of the mass media - the Journal posted on the Portal, including providing the User with information about the Journal through the website and by e-mail.
  2. To access the published materials of the Journal's website (full-text content of issues, information about the Journal, members of the editorial board and editorial board, rules for authors and other sections of the site) for reading and copying, the User does not need to register.
  3. The Portal User voluntarily provides the Operator with his PD in the following cases:

6.1. when registering on the Journal website as an Author:

6.1.1. the only author in the article or the corresponding author in the presence of several co-authors in the article - to upload the article to the Journal's website for the purpose of its consideration by the editors of the Journal and publication in the Journal. By uploading an article to the Journal's website, the Author accepts the offer - transfers the rights to use the article and expresses consent to the processing of his PD by the Operator.

The author's license agreement for the publication of the article (public offer) is placed in the "Copyright" section of the journal's website in the public domain (registration on the site as a User is not required for preliminary familiarization with the text of the offer).

At the same time, the User, filling out the registration form, makes all the PD listed in clause 3 of these Terms. 

By ticking the mandatory field "Legal information / Consent to the processing of personal data" of the registration form, the User, having previously clicked on the link "Consent to the processing of personal data" below and read the text in the window that opens, confirms that he has read these Terms and Conditions and the Policy and his consent to the processing by the Operator of the User's PD entered in the registration form. Without such confirmation, the registration of the User will not be completed.

6.1.2. a co-author of an article who is not a correspondent author, for the subsequent submission of information about the co-author in the process of uploading an article by a correspondent author to the Journal's website for the purpose of its consideration by the editors of the Journal and publication in the Journal. By filling out the registration form, the User agrees to the processing of his PD by the Operator.

At the same time, the User, filling out the registration form, puts a tick in the role of the Author and makes all the PD listed in clause 3 of these Terms. 

By ticking the mandatory field "Legal information / Consent to the processing of personal data" of the registration form, the User, having previously clicked on the link "Consent to the processing of personal data" below and read the text in the window that opens, confirms that he has read these Terms and Conditions and the Policy and his consent to the processing by the Operator of the User's PD entered in the registration form. Without such confirmation, the registration of the User will not be completed.

The processing by the Operator of the PD of the User registered as the Author / Co-author includes the collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, copying, use, transfer as part of the article metadata (provision, access), including distribution, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction of PD in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.1.3. when registering on the website of the Journal as a Reviewer to participate in the review of a scientific article submitted for consideration by the editors of the Journal.

At the same time, the User, filling out the registration form, makes all the PD listed in clause 3 of these Terms. 

By checking the box "Legal information / Consent to the processing of personal data" of the registration form, the User, having previously clicked on the link below "Consent to the processing of personal data" and having read the text in the window that opens, confirms that he has read these Terms and Conditions and the Policy and his consent to the processing by the Operator of the User's PD entered in the registration form. Without such confirmation, the registration of the User will not be completed.

Having received a review request sent by the Editorial Board to the Reviewer’s e-mail address with an offer attached and expressing in response to the request consent to participate in reviewing in the user’s personal account, the Reviewer  transfers the rights to use the subsequently prepared review and expresses consent to the processing by the Operator of his PD.

Processing by the Operator of the User's PD, registered as a Reviewer, includes collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, copying, use, transfer to third parties (provision, access); depersonalization, blocking and destruction of PD in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the following PD of the reviewer are subject to transfer to third parties (without distribution rights), namely and exclusively to Scientific Electronic Library LLC ( and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation: surname, first name, middle name / patronymic (if any), academic degree, academic title, email, position, organization name. Transfer can be carried out only if the Reviewer accepts the Offer.

PD of the reviewer are not subject to distribution.

  1. A user who has registered on the Portal as a Author (including Co-author) / Reviewer has the right to withdraw his consent to the processing of PD by sending the Operator a corresponding notification to the email address of the Journal's editors, specified in the "Contacts" section of the Journal's website on the Portal.