No 1 (2010)


«When I think about the death I cry…»: the image of death at the Russian mentality of 17th century

Sukina L.B.


A modification of the attitude to death and peculiarities of perception of it to man are marking the transition from the Middle Ages to the New Time. In the article under comparison are macabre images of cultures of Europe of the 15th century and Russia of the 17th century. It is permitting pick out general outlines of the medieval Christian culture and bring to light the originality of national picture of universe.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):5-17
pages 5-17 views 505

Homily of 18th - early 19th century as source of science about vital values of a Russian cleric

Yesukov A.I.


The article considers the value aspects of the gospels of the 18th century. It demonstrates the real importance of the heritage of the major Russian theologians for understanding of the basic value focus of the national culture. To achieve this, the article analyses the ideas of labour, wealth and poverty, «personal benefit» and «public welfare», the balance between theonomy and autonomy, «eternity» and everyday life.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):18-41
pages 18-41 views 556

Reformatory democratism in the concept of V. Goltsev

Arslanov R.A.


In the article the author analyzes the formation of liberally-democratic direction in public thought of Russia in post-reformal epoch. As example are taken the works of V. Goltsev, the editor of the «Russian thought» magazine and one of the most famous representatives of liberalism of that time. In the article are shown some basic ideological elements of reformatory democratism, its liberally-democratic model is defined. The author also outlines the methodical approaches to research of liberally-democratic thought.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):42-59
pages 42-59 views 5017

Constantin Pobedonostsev in 1890s - early 1900s: influencing the Russia's public opinion

Polunov A.Y.


Author of the article analyzes the instruments of ideological struggle used by the famous conservative politician Constantine Pobedonostsev in order to influence the turn-of-century Russia's public opinion. The contacts of Pobedonostsev with the right-wing journalists and conservative periodicals are being investigated, as well as his activities as a translator and publisher. Conclusions are being made with regard to the reasons of Pobedonostsev's failure to influence the Russia's public opinion.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):60-73
pages 60-73 views 635

Russian radical preservators of monarchy about populism

Tyukachev N.A.


The topic of the article is an attitude of Russian radical preservators of monarchy to revolutionary populism. The author analyzed the papers by M.N. Katkov, V.P. Meshchersky, L.A. Tikhomirov, R.A. Fadeev, who defend Russian monarchy and sharply criticize revolutionary populists.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):74-89
pages 74-89 views 5097

Early industrial stage of modernization pre-revolutionary Russia: sources, tendencies and results

Bratchenko T.M., Senyavsky A.S.


In the article the sources, occurrence and development of industrialization of pre-revolutionary Russia at its early stage are analyzed. The authors have shown the basic tendencies and directions of these processes. In the article the set of the reasons of industrialization of Russia is opened, among which not internal conditions, and external factors were basic. Is shown also, that the earli-industrial modernization in the liberal - conservative form has put a society in the extremely unstable, «transitive» condition, that was fraught with social shocks.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):90-104
pages 90-104 views 4852

The reaction of the Russian business circles to the Brest peace treaty оf 1918

Shatsillo M.K.


The Brest peace treaty between Soviet Russia and Germany appeared controversy to some Russian entrepreneurs in the spring-summer of 1918. Entrepreneurial associations of central Russia decided to cooperate with Bolsheviks, who had concluded the separate treaty with Germany. The members of these organizations did not trust to stability of new regime and hoped by way of compromise to preserve their business. The businessmen, who have found themselves on the German's controlled territories, assumed pro-German orientation in hope to develop the commercial and industrial affaires. The entrepreneurial organizations in the East of the country were in favor of keeping of their obligations towards alliesе.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):105-117
pages 105-117 views

Baron Peter Nikolaevich Wrangel as the representative of the Russian military elite of the beginning of the 20th century

Chuvardin G.S.


This article reveals the phenomenon of the Russian military elite of the beginning of the 20th century. It is considered within the limits of one of its most essential segments - officers-representatives of «eastzeisk nobility». The author investigates the given historical and cultural phenomenon on an example of one of the typical Baltic barons - major general P.N. Wrangell. The conclusion is that a vital and fighting way of the general is kept within his cultural stereotypes, characteristic for a greater part of analyzed group.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):118-131
pages 118-131 views

Buddhism in the Astrakhan territory: stages of the historical development

Kurapov A.A.


In authors article are considered the basic stages of distribution of the Buddhism on the Bottom Volga region, within the limits of the Astrakhan province. Analysed characteristic features of historical development of a Buddhist community (sangha) at Kalmyks, participation of Buddhist clergy in political life of region. Determined and considered specificity of interaction of a Buddhist community with secular authorities of region and national elite.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):132-145
pages 132-145 views

Missionary activity of the Orthodox Church at the national outskirts of the Russian Empire (Turkestan example of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries)

Volkov I.V.


The article analyses missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Turkestan region. The author shows that Orthodox missionary in the region of traditional Islam expansion was not supported by the Turkestan military administration (secretly it was even procrastinated by the administration). Mainly Orthodox missionary was aimed at turning pagans to Christians; the number of neophytes was not significant.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):146-154
pages 146-154 views

Soviet rule and Muslim clergy of the Northern Caucasus in 20s - early 30s of the 20th century (According to the materials of Adygeya, Kabar-dino-Balkaria and Karachai-Cherkesia)

Emtyl Z.I.


The politics of Soviet rule in respect with Muslim clergy of the Northern Caucasus in 20s - beginning of 30s of the 20th century is examined in this article. Its peculiarities and dynamics of development are revealed under the influence of changing social and political, as well as cultural situations both in Soviet State on the whole and in national autonomies of the Northern Caucasus.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):155-163
pages 155-163 views

Models of empires and their applicability to Kazakhstan within the Russian Empire

Abdildabekova A.M.


The article analyzes a contemporary condition of debates about models of empire, the typology of the Russian Empire, and a place of Kazakhstan in its macrosystem. The focus is on an innovative regional approach to studying of the problem which explains the specifics of combined methods of direct and indirect government in Kazakhstan. Special attention is paid to the concepts of R. Suny, A. Kapeller, A. Miller, Zh. Kundakbaeva, Zh. Abdirov, et al.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):164-177
pages 164-177 views

Historical Experience of drawing up and realization of the Basic International Programs and Standards in the field of higher education of the Russian Federation and the European countries

Chistohvalov V.N., Kirabaev N.S.


Given article represents the first attempt to investigate and analyze a state of affairs in the international interuniversity programs and standards in the European countries and the Russian Federation in the field of higher education.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):178-185
pages 178-185 views
pages 186-193 views
pages 194-196 views

Patriarch of domain historical science. Vsevolod Lvovich Kerov

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RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):197-200
pages 197-200 views

Our authors

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RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2010;(1):201-202
pages 201-202 views
pages 203-205 views