No 1 (2012)


Electoral Behavior of Russian Nobility (1770-1820s)

Kupriyanov A.I.


The article deals with the processes of traditions emergence and formation of the Russian nobility electoral behavior in the last quarter of the 18th - the first third of the 19th century. Considering the materials of Moscow and Tver provinces the author concludes that all strata of the nobility actively participated in elections. However, voters' absenteeism was a mass phenomenon. Gradually regular elections facilitated strengthening of the nobility local links as well as consolidation of the nobility as landlord class.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):5-19
pages 5-19 views

Office Suitability or Chief Personal Sympathies: Monetary Maintenance of Serving Local Official Bodies in Russia in mid 19th Century

Ivanov V.A.


In the article the author analyzes the basic sources containing data on various kinds of material maintenance (salary, nourishment money, rent money) of all categories of Russian local officials from governors to the lowest rank servants. The author reveals information potentialities of sources and possibility of their use for historical research.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):20-31
pages 20-31 views

Theocracy Problem in Russian Scientific and Social thought in second half of 19th - early 20th Centuries

Sakhno A.A.


The article deals with the interpretation of theocracy as a form of government and socio-philosophical concept in the Russian scientific literature and periodicals in the second half of 19 th - early 20 th centuries. Focuses on particular issues and controversies in the history of the theory of theocracy. Also examines the historical parallels between the theocracies of the past and church-state relations in Russia, which took place in the literature, the study period.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):32-41
pages 32-41 views

Catholicism - Friend or Enemy? Interdepartmental Dispute in Russian Government (1905-1914)

Bendin A.J.


The questions connected to the development of political strategy of the state in the attitude to Catholic church are considered in the article. The special attention is given to the conflict which has arisen in this occasion between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. This conflict became the result of various approaches to the decision of problems of Russian Catholicism. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was the supporter of a rigid line, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs preferred a policy of concessions and compromises with Vatican. Interdepartmental dispute was finished with the First world war.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):42-58
pages 42-58 views

«…There was no their own Tchernomyrdin»: Personal Role in Oil and Gas Development Industry in Post-Soviet History

Slavkina M.V.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the main trends in the Russian oil and gas complex development in the late 1980s - early 2000s. The author revealed and analyzed two different models of oil and gas branches adaptation while transferring to the market economy. It was the branches heads who played an integrative role in choosing these models of development. They ensured the formation of the development specificity of these industry branches.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):59-73
pages 59-73 views

Origins of Bessarabian Autonomy as Part of Russia

Grosul V.Y.


The article considers the origins of Bessarabian autonomy as a part of Russia. The author analyzes the historical evolution and peculiarities of Bessarabian administrative structure as it was a very important political and strategic region for Russia.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):74-88
pages 74-88 views

Main Trends of Russia and Georgia Economic Relations in Post-Soviet History (1991-2005)

Eltisheva N.N.


The article examines specific examples of the main directions of economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Georgia after the collapse of the Soviet Union during the 1991-2005. Identified as a certain achievements in this area, as well as shortcomings. Simultaneously, the article provides conclusions and suggestions for improving the Russian-Georgian relations.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):89-101
pages 89-101 views

Priority Frontiers of Russian and Kazakhstan Integration in 1991−2010

Kozmenko V.M.


The article highlights specific examples of bilateral relations of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of international relations, politics and economics It is emphasized that these relations can be considered as an effective model of formation and further development of mutually beneficial burden of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):102-109
pages 102-109 views

Environmental Aspects of Railway Construction in 1860−1900s (on Materials of Tambov Province)

Konchakov R.B.


This article addresses the environmental aspects of railway construction and railway infrastructure development in Russia in the second half of 19th century. Analyzes the impact of rail transport on land, forest and water resources at national and regional context. On the example of the railroad studied the formation of ecological thinking in the specific historical conditions. In this paper we consider not only the facts of adverse effects of railways on the environment, but also of railway administrations to protect natural features.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):110-125
pages 110-125 views

Memoirs as Cultural Phenomenon and Historical Source

Georgieva N.G.


The article analyzes the role of memoirs as the native culture phenomenon, process and means of introducing memoirs to the social and scientific and educational practice. The author considers the Russian historians' views development on theoretical and methodological problems of memoirs studies. There are shown the offered variants and achieved results of development of defining «memoirs», studies of their specific peculiarities, principles and schemes of memoirs systematization as well as the criteria of defining their scientific and educational value as historical sources.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):126-138
pages 126-138 views

Dissertation Council D212.203.03 of Peoples` Friendship University of Russia in the 2nd half of 2011

Koz'menko V.M., Kriazgeva-Kartseva E.V.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):139-142
pages 139-142 views
pages 143-145 views

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RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(1):146-147
pages 146-147 views

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