Czechoslovak Central Economic Commission in the Documents of the Russian State Historical Archive of the Russian Far East

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The research is devoted to the reflection of the economic activity of citizens of the Czechoslovak Republic in the Russian Far East during the Civil War. The main focus is on the Czechoslovak Central Economic Commission created to solve the economic problems of the considerable military contingent concentrated in Vladivostok awaiting departure to Europe. The activities of the commission have not yet been reflected in historiography; there have not been introduced into scientific use the documents that allow reliably presenting the structure, personnel, main field of activity, and contribution to the solution to problems vital for former prisoners of war and members of their families who were in a foreign land. The research is based on documents of the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East, primarily on the funds of government institutions located in Vladivostok. Particular attention is paid to the agreements concluded by the Czechoslovak Central Economic Commission with the Provisional Government of the Far East - the Primorsky Regional Zemstvo Administration, the Central All-Russian Union of Consumer Societies (Tsentrosoyuz). It is shown that the status of the Czechoslovak Central Economic Commission changed during the Civil War. If initially it acted as a government agency, then later as a private commercial enterprise, the activities of which ended in criminal prosecution.

About the authors

Natalya A. Belyaeva

Far Eastern Federal University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7446-5519
SPIN-code: 2729-4310

Dr. Habil. History, Professor, Department of History and Archaeology

10, v. Ajax, Russky Island, Vladivostok, 690922, Russian

Konstantin E. Sigalov

Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; Institute for Advanced Studies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6864-8570
SPIN-code: 5671-1780

Dr. Habil. Juridical, PhD in Philosophy, Professor of the Theory of State and Law Department, Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Professor of the Department of Staffing and Personnel Management in Internal Affairs Bodies, All-Russian Advanced Training Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation

12, Akademika Volgina St, Moscow, 117997, Russia; 3, Pikhtovaya St, Domodedovo, Moscow region, microdistrict Aviationnyi, 142007, Russia

Petr G. Alexandrov

The Vladimir K. Arseniev Museum and Reserve of Far East History

SPIN-code: 6502-3354

Senior Researcher

20, Svetlanskaya St, Vladivostok, 690091, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2024 Belyaeva N.A., Sigalov K.E., Alexandrov P.G.

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