Study of the Fuel Supply to Interior Cities in the Ivanovo and Vladimir Regions during the Great Patriotic War

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Through their research, the author has studied the process of providing the population of the Ivanovo and Vladimir regions with fuel during the Great Patriotic War. With an analysis of regional archival materials, the author reveals the both the importance as well as the future potential of such fuel resources as peat and firewood located in the region, as well as the main ways of their procurement for the needs of the national economy. Special attention is paid to the working conditions of procurement officers as well as the radical changes in the age and gender composition of workers employed in peat extraction and firewood cutting across the War. It is shown that during the war years the role of women increased considerably, which was caused by the mass mobilization of able-bodied men. The consequence of this was a significant decline in labor productivity, especially from 1942 to 1943. The location of firewood and peat resources at a considerable distance from cities with enterprises and institutions made it difficult to deliver them in a timely manner. These logistical difficulties often led to shutdown of plants and factories, as well as public institutions. The author comes to the conclusion that it was not possible to fully solve the problem of supply until the end of the war, although according to the available data, there were still fuel resources in various places for procurement. The sources also show large number of complaints of the population about the lack of heating in for their homes and the failure to provide assistance with the delivery of firewood, as well as the broader difficulties with the food supply.

About the authors

Ilya S. Tryakhov

Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6488-5205

PhD in History, Ass. Professor of the Russian History Department

87, Gorkii St., Vladimir, 600000, Russia


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