Female labor applying by the Maritime Ministry of the Russian Empire at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries

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The article deals with the issues related to the evolution of the use of women in the civil service at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries on the example of the Maritime Ministry on the basis of previously unpublished documents stored in the Russian state archive of the Navy and periodical press materials. The study of gender issues can be of scientific interest on the basis of its documents, as practically not in demand in research related to the women’s issue. As a result of the struggle of the public, there were some concessions on the part of the authorities related to the expansion of women’s access to fill certain positions in a number of areas that experienced a lack of certain qualifications, including public service, in the conditions of intensive bourgeois development. The article analyzes the legal acts regulating the work of women, especially in the public service. it is shown how the changes that took place in the Russian Empire influenced the transformation of the socio-economic situation of women in General, and, also, became a reflection of the social policy of the state. The article reveals the attitude of the heads of departments of the Ministry to the admission of women to the public service, as well as their opinion on the degree of necessity for the service itself in attracting women to it. The article deals with the arguments of men − heads of departments of the Ministry, related to the impact of women’s work on home life, on the family and on itself, which differed largely by philistine assessments, rather than progressive views. In fact, on the part of the authorities, concessions to women were more imaginary and forced than the result of an objective assessment of their equal opportunity to serve in the public system.

About the authors

Irina V Sinova

Saint Petersburg state University of Economics

Author for correspondence.
Email: s-irina@yandex.ru

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Member of the Council on the History of the Federal Treasury Department of the Leningrad Region. Member of the Russian Association of Female History Researchers (RAIZHI).

191023, Russia, St. Petersburg, Sadovayastreet, 21


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