- Authors: Strovsky D.L1, Antoshin A.V2
- Ariel University
- Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
- Issue: Vol 17, No 2 (2018): JEWS IN RUSSIA
- Pages: 320-356
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article considers the peculiar features of the Soviet Aliyah as one of the leading themes of the Russian-language periodicals in Israel. Special attention is paid to the articles published in the 1970-2000s in the most prominent “thick” literary-political journals - “Vremya i My” and “22” which covered the fate of the Russian and Soviet Jews, as well as the phenomenon of repatriation. The study of the topic makes it possible to resolve several scientific problems. First of all, the analysis of the publications enables the authors to identify the key problems that are reflected in their content: the historical prerequisites for the formation of repatriation ideas in the minds of the Soviet Jewish intelligentsia, the attitude of the Soviet authorities to this phenomenon, and the evolution of the perception of the migration process as such and its various stages by the Israeli society. The studying of the above journals allowed distinguishing the contents specificity of each of them. The “Vremya i Mi “ journal was characterized by demonstrative anti-Sovietism, based on the commitment to the concept of human rights and liberal values. In turn, the “22” journal was aimed at the development of Zionism ideas and strengthening of the position of those Jews who sought deep integration into the Israeli society. However, the both periodicals had similar content features: the articles published in them were of high analytical and artistic level. Both “Vremya i Mi” and “22” were characterized by a common desire to understand the problems of Jews’ repatriation and their adaptation in Israel. The both journals made a significant contribution to the history of Israel periodicals and to the formation of self-consciousness of the Russian-speaking population of this country. The article is presented in the historical context. It reveals the main stages of the emigration of Jews from the USSR and modern Russia and the evolution of the reflection of this process on the pages of the journals.
About the authors
Dmitry L Strovsky
Ariel University
Author for correspondence.
Israel Ariel University, 40700, Israel
Alexey V Antoshin
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
620003, Rossia, Yekaterinburg, Pr. Mira, 19
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