- Authors: Garazha N.A1
- Novorossiysk branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 16, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 656-669
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article considers the offi cial and personal characteristics and thoughts concerning the conceptual component of the phenomenon of using thelabour of Soviet people in the Third Reich economy. There were formulated the basic concepts, which characterize all the stages of the use of labour of eastern workers. The results of the research showed that the refl ection on the analysis of the new posi-tion was typical of eastern workers regardless of their gender, age or social characteristics. It took a key place in their conversations and texts on a par with the discussions of house-hold burdens.At the same time, the feelings of Ostarbeiters and their thoughts about the fundamental changes in life were refl ected in the desire of the adequate defi nition of their position, the concise formulation of the major aspects of the German authorities’ and civilians’ attitude towards them, as well as their own perception of the new life. Being convinced of the fairness of the servile nature of the use of Soviet people’s labour, the population of Germany naturally enriched their vocabulary by the concepts of “owner”, “buy”, etc.It also caused a whole range of emotions of Ostarbeiters. Despite the challenges that the Soviet people faced while working in Germany, this harsh experience couldnot break their faith in themselves, in the human and humanity; it strengthened their spirit, and the ability to focus on the positive emotions and getting pleasure from small events helped them to survive.From the point of view of evaluation features, the socio-cultural connotations and ma-nipulative potential of the conceptual fi eld of the phenomenon of using Soviet people’s labour in the Third Reich economy were characterized by integrity and by diversity at the same time.
About the authors
Nataliia A Garazha
Novorossiysk branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
Nataliia A. Garazha, PhD (in History), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Informatics, Mathematics and Humanities Sciences, Novorossiysk branch of the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Novorossiysk, Russia).
56 Vidova St., Novorossiysk, 353900, RussiaReferences
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