- Authors: Bagdasaryan V.E1, Resnyansky S.I2
- MoscowRegionState University
- Peopls’ Friedship University of Russia (RUDN University)
- Issue: Vol 16, No 2 (2017)
- Pages: 303-322
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/russian-history/article/view/16661
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8674-2017-16-2-303-322
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The article analyzes the anti-Russian historical narrative focused on the 1917 events. The relevance of the theme is determined bythe wide-ranging discussion on the Russian revolution due toits anniversary. The authors solve the problem of the scientific criticism of the anti-Russian myths, focused on the assessments and interpretations of the two Russian revolutions of 1917. In the article there are shown the ideological basis and political context of the coverage of the events of 1917. The authors analyze 5 historical ideologemes, which are disseminated in the public consciousness. They also show the cognitive and political implications of adopting the respective ideology. As a typical liberal myth, the authors regard the interpretation of the October Revolution as “stolen freedom” provided by the February revolution. In the article there is shown that through the myth of “stolen freedom” the whole history of Russia is presented as a reproduction of the “totalitarian regime”. The authors prove the incorrectness of showing Bolsheviks as the initiators of the use of mass terror tactics, to which all major opposing forces resorted. There is considered the connection of the interpretation of the Revolution as the manifestation of the “Russian rebellion” with the Russophobic myth of the Russian barbarism. The authors criticize the idea of the Bolshevik imperialism, which is allegedly based on the ideology of world revolution. The article gives the deconstruction of the myth of the Bolshevik regime illegitimacy and shows the cognitive contradictions of the attempts to counter the concepts of “October Revolution” and “October Coup”. The authors reveal that the thesis of the Constituent Assembly, as an illustration of the Bolshevik illegitimacy, doesn’t correspondent to the historical facts. The authors conclude that the issues of covering the events of both the Revolutionand the Great Patriotic War are linked to the national security of Russia.
About the authors
Vardan E Bagdasaryan
MoscowRegionState University
Author for correspondence.
Email: vardanb@mail.ru
Dr. in history, Dean of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law at Moscow Region State University
10a Radio Str., Moscow, 105005, RussiaSergey I Resnyansky
Peopls’ Friedship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Email: s-r44@yandex.ru
Dr. in history, Professor of the department of Russian History at Peoples’ Friedship University of Russia (RUDN University)
6 Mikloukho-Maklaya Str., Moscow, 117198, RussiaReferences
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