Vol 9, No 1 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/issue/view/1527
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2022-9-1
Full Issue
Implementation of Russian Universities’ Strategies in the Context of International Academic Rankings
The article considers the implementation of strategies for the integration of Russian universities into the system of world academic rankings. The relevance of this work is dictated by the active introduction of Russian universities into the world market of educational services and the modernization of Russian higher education and science in the context of the globalization of these social institutions. For the effective integration of Russian universities into the global educational space, it is necessary to carry out a consistent modernization of both managerial and educational processes, as well as the infrastructure of universities and existing educational programs and standards. One of the aspects of introducing world educational standards into the practice of Russian higher education is the participation of Russian universities in world academic rankings. For the consistent and systematic promotion of the positions of Russian universities in world academic rankings, with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, national projects were developed to support leading Russian higher education institutions, programs to support innovative development and modernization, and individual roadmaps were drawn up. Development of universities, which allowed them to create their own development strategies and inclusion in the international educational market. The purpose of this article is to consider various aspects of the implementation of the strategies of Russian universities for inclusion in the world academic rankings and systematization of the results achieved so far. The work uses the methods of statistical, comprehensive and comparative analysis in relation to development strategies, roadmaps of Russian universities, as well as to the published results of their promotion in the system of international academic rankings. The result of this work was the derivation of general trends and patterns of development of Russian universities in the context of world academic rankings and the systematization of a set of measures aimed at their further systematic advancement. The positive and negative aspects of the participation of Russian universities in the system of world academic rankings, as well as the influence of the global system for assessing education and science on the Russian sphere of higher education, are analytically derived.

Digital Transformation of the Educational Process under the Influence of the Spread of a New Coronavirus Infection in Russia
In 2020, the world community faced a particularly acute crisis in the form of the spread of a new coronavirus infection. People need to observe the regime of self-isolation to preserve life and health, therefore transformation of all society spheres is taking place. Education is of particular interest for researchers because these processes are not possible to pause for a long time. The only viable option for the implementation of the educational process in many countries is the transition to distance learning. The article examines the features of the transition to online education in Russia and analyzes the consequences of changes in the systems of school and higher education. The authors also believe that the pandemic has led to a sharp increase in the demand for various online courses and platforms.

Public administration: theory and practice
The Role of Public Participation in Governance towards Achieving Sustainable Development. Part 2
Public participation aimed at improving the effectiveness of governance by involving citizens in governance policy formulation and decision-making processes. It was designed to promote transparency, accountability and effectiveness of any modern government. Although Kenya has legally adopted public participation in day-to-day government activities, challenges still cripple its effectiveness as documented by several scholars. Instead of reducing conflicts between the government and the public, it has heightened witnessing so many petitions of government missing on priorities in terms of development and government policies. Results show that participation weakly relates with governance hence frictions sustainable development. Theoretically, public participation influences governance efficiency and development, directly and indirectly, thus sustainable development policy and implementation depends on Public participation and good governance. However, an effective public participation in governance is has been fractioned by the government. Instead of being a promoter/sponsor of public participation, the government of Kenya has failed to put structures that would spur participation of citizens in policy making and other days to activities. This has brought about wrong priority setting and misappropriation of public resources; The government officials and political class interference ultimately limit public opinion and input effects on decision-making and policy formulation, which might be an inner factor determining the failure of public participation in Kenya. The study suggests the need for strengthening public participation by establishing an independent institution to preside over public participation processes.

Application of Due Process in Recruitment and Selection of Personnel into the Federal Civil Service. Part 2
This study was conducted to investigate the constraint to the effective application of due process in the recruitment and selection of personnel into the federal civil service. Four objectives and four research questions guided the study. A sampling technique was used in carrying out the work. A total number of three hundred (300) respondents were used for the study. The instruments for data collection were a questionnaire and observation checklist. Three hundred (300) copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the staff of the Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC), Abuja and two hundred and seventy-six (276) were returned representing a 92% return rate. The frequency table and Mean were the statistical measures employed for the data analysis. The findings revealed that there were no strategies or methods of recruitment and selection of staff into the federal civil service. However, the findings also revealed that practices such as political interference and corruption during recruitment and selection in federal civil service tend to undermine the principle of due process. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the federal civil service commission should formulate sound policies and practices that will minimize the degree of politicization and corruption in the recruitment and selection of staff into the federal civil service; make use of modern sources and techniques of recruitment and selection such as, E-recruitment process and Information & Communication Technology (ICT)-based selection resources as their source of recruitment and selection; and develop strategies or methods that will result in the effective application of due process in their recruitment and selection exercises.

State Regulation of Social Policy During the Global Pandemic: Russian Experience and Foreign Practice
The focus of the study is the global pandemic COVID-19 and its negative impact that includes high mortality and pressure on the national and world economies. The author analyzes effective functioning of information and communication channels in the social sphere, related to reports of public health, prevention of outbreaks of epidemics and pandemics. There are evident problems with the delivery of information to various social groups about therapy, vaccination, which is also complicated by the fact that not all countries are sufficiently developed in a “digital” format, as well as domestic policies, norms, customs, personal biases, religion, news avoidance, quarantine fatigue, etc. All these factors increase the risks of destabilization of the socio-political system, increase the number of socio-political protests, and worsen the reputation of government and management bodies at different levels of political systems of states. The article analyses the theoretical aspects of the category “social policy” as one of the main directions of public policy and management. The author analyzed international experience and practices of state regulation of social policy during the global pandemic. The main attention was paid to social and economic support during the COVID-19 pandemic in contemporary Russia and the peculiarities of sectoral measures.

Human Resource Management in Entrepreneurial Business: A Literature Review
Entrepreneurial orientation is critical for small and medium organizations for the survival and growth of their businesses. Entrepreneurial is an undertaking in which a particular human being proceeds along with opportunities by exploring the benefit of human resource management. The study justified that the role of managing human resources effectively and efficiently is significant in fostering and maintaining high levels of productivity in entrepreneurial businesses. Employees are said to be the most important resources available to an entrepreneur in the creation, development, and sustenance of a thriving entrepreneurial business. However, it was recommended that business owners should ensure competent candidates are being selected and placed during the recruitment process, as proper selection and placement of candidates into the organization will result into having the right people doing the right job which would enhance future performances of entrepreneurial businesses.

Analytic Study of Russian Experience in Economic Development and Integration in the Global Economy: Lessons for Iran and Developing Countries
Economic development is one of the main concerns of today’s countries, significantly those influenced by the collapse of the communist bloc and the failure of a centralized planning and growth pattern of socialism. As a result, Russia’s economy in the post-collapse period witnessed chaos in domestic production and the rise in commodity prices. However, Russia is now the 11th largest economy globally, and the country’s exports, which was $ 78 billion in 1995, amounted to more than $ 420 billion. This paper attempts to analyze this experience concerning the role of government in developing and integrating into the global economy. Therefore, the main question is the government’s role in developing and integrating into the global economy from 1995 to 2011. This paper attempts to review the Russian experience due to its similarity in post-Soviet period with the Iranian economy’s current circumstances, analyzing and comparing solutions that a government must consider to be transferred from a government-run to a market economy. The survey shows that the Russian government successfully took a step toward economic liberalization and integration in the global economy.

Foreign Experience in the Implementation of Regional Investment Policy and the Possibility of Its Application in Russia
This article examines the features and trends in the implementation of state investment policy at the level regions in selected foreign countries. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the investment policy of the selected countries, identifies the priorities, tools and goals for the implementation of the analyzed investment policy practices. The author concludes that it is possible to use the best foreign practices in the implementation of investment policy at the Russian regional level.