Vol 6, No 2 (2019)


The priority tasks of the state in ensuring the growth of real incomes of the population

Ordynskaia E.V.


The article discusses issues related to the need to ensure the growth of real incomes of the population. The author analyzes the impact of a number of factors on the level of real disposable income. In particular, based on a study of the number and size of mandatory and quasi-mandatory expenses, the necessity of implementing a number of measures to reform the tax system, as well as socially significant sectors, is substantiated.

RUDN Journal of Public Administration. 2019;6(2):75-85
pages 75-85 views 516

Communicative aspects of the Arabic language in network management and the spread of terrorist organizations

Osipov V.A., Salieva U.B.


The article studies the possibilities of using communicative and interdisciplinary approaches in the modern world with the formation and distribution of terrorist organizations that, within the framework of this study, solve the problem of using the Arabic language to propagate relevant ideas, recruitment, manipulation, etc. Particular attention is paid to the principle of a linguistic approach, where such methods as self-identification, consolidation, the formation of semantic networks can be implemented. Language is not only a solution to the many problems of modern society, but also requires new efforts. That forms a special problematic field and requires updating the theoretical and methodological aspects of the social and humanitarian sciences and scientific practices in the field of public administration and security.

RUDN Journal of Public Administration. 2019;6(2):86-93
pages 86-93 views

21st Century Migration: Opportunity, Calamity or Weapon of War? A Critical Discourse Analysis

Beck M.


Migration flows from the Global South is one of most pertinent sociopolitical issues influencing 21st century geopolitics with wider connotations to social, cultural and political developments in modern world. Issues originating from mass migration, were not predicted and dealt with time, hence significant and constant political and scientific efforts are being invested to regulate and outline a sustainable migration model which will include all political, sociocultural and economic parameters. Main research objective takes a comparative prospective between migration issues in the EU and Russian Federation with accent on illegal migration. Main questions are if liberal EU policy towards migration is causing a rise of radicalism among indigenous (native EU) population, moreover if the core European/Christian values are under pressure and as well if there is a decline in EU living standard. This article is determining key factors and analyzing possible political impacts of migration, particularly illegal migration towards the European Union keeping in prospective recent events of the European Migration Crisis 2015. Analysis in this article lies in the realist school of thought in international politics and it uses empirical approach and comparative methods of Comparative politics in political science.
RUDN Journal of Public Administration. 2019;6(2):94-105
pages 94-105 views


Ethno-religious hate speeches and political violence in Nigeria’s fourth republic

Okolie U.C., Okoedion E.G.


Ethnoreligious hate speech is the precursor to political violence in Nigeria’s fourth republic. While it is true that one of the greatest benefits of democratic societies is freedom of speech, still no one should be allowed under the disguise of exercising the right to free speech to offend, humiliate and demean another human being. In Nigeria, hate speech has been elevated to the status of political campaign strategy and it accounts for the escalation of political violence in Nigeria’s fourth republic. Therefore, this study explored the impact of ethno-religious hate speech on political violence in Nigeria’s fourth public. A descriptive method was adopted and data was collected via a survey of 600 electorates in South-South zone of Nigeria. The study found that there is a positive and significant relationship between Ethno-religious hate speech and political violence in Nigeria’s fourth republic. This paper recommends among others that political campaign in Nigeria should focus on the implementation of the critical national issues such as economic, political, social, cultural, educational, and healthcare services rather than attack on political opponents or mobilization of ethnic, religious, and regional sentiments.
RUDN Journal of Public Administration. 2019;6(2):106-120
pages 106-120 views

State-Actor-Society Relations: The Challenges of Development Practices of Hydropower Project in North Western Ethiopia

Belete F.G.


This article examines the effects of state-society relations for the development of hydropower programs in the North Western Ethiopia. The Beles valley is one of the major development corridor recognized in the country of which attempts were made to harness hydropower in the mid 1980s. In this valley, hydropower development program was initiated to enhance sustainable national economy through power production. However, this public investment has been facing challenges shortly after the commencement of the project. Methodologically, the paper is based on qualitative method conducted in cross sectional manner in the Beles upper valley, North Western Ethiopia. Data were collected through interviews, focus group discussions and consultation of secondary documents. The data were analyzed through thematic and content analysis. The major challenge of the hydropower development practice in the Beles valley was associated with state-actor relations. There was security dynamics by the move violence between the state force and insurgent armed group. The situation was further complicated by the society’s negative perception to the project attempted to be implemented in the upper stream by government. Related to these, low linkage between the Beles valley rural communities to the nearby administration and regional economy has also impacted the development of Beles hydroelectric projects. The article shows that how the state, actors and society relations affected the development projects attempted in mid 1980s for implementation in the Beles valley.
RUDN Journal of Public Administration. 2019;6(2):121-132
pages 121-132 views 838


Addressing local government issues in the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation during the implementation of municipal reform in Russia

Amiantov A.A.


The presented study is devoted to the study of the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in relation to issues of local self-government in the context of the municipal reform of 2014-2015. and its legal consequences. The aim of this work is to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the identified problems of the work of local authorities in the period following the start of municipal reform. The research methodology is built by combining descriptive analysis elements and a case study. It is concluded that the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has consistently maintained its position on the constitutional nature of the reform of local authorities. The provisions of the relevant regulatory legal acts are limited only partially and only in relation to first-level municipalities - municipal authorities of settlements. Given the deprivation of the latter a significant part of the powers and the observed transition to a singlelevel system of local self-government, the adoption of these restrictions does not significantly affect the implementation of the reform. Of fundamental importance is the position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation regarding the new powers of regional authorities in relation to municipalities. The increase in the arsenal of legal instruments of the influence of the leadership of the constituent entities of the federation on the heads of local self-government was not interpreted as a violation of the constitutional principle of the independence of municipalities. The latter opens up the possibility for further legalization of the process of embedding municipal bodies in the structure of the informal “power vertical”.

RUDN Journal of Public Administration. 2019;6(2):133-147
pages 133-147 views 711


Reserves of managerial personnel in the Russian Federation as a tool for the development of personnel in the field of public administration

Sheburakov I.B.


The article discusses the nature, types and purpose of personnel reserves. The author focuses on the principles and mechanisms of the formation of the reserve of managerial personnel, on the role of assessment in the formation of the reserve and directions for increasing its efficiency and effectiveness. Based on the analysis of practices for the formation of reserves of managerial personnel at both the federal and regional levels, further directions for increasing the efficiency of reserves of managerial personnel as an integrated personnel technology in the context of the development of public administration personnel are substantiated.

RUDN Journal of Public Administration. 2019;6(2):148-157
pages 148-157 views