Vol 4, No 4 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/issue/view/1061
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2017-4-4
Full Issue
Public administration: theory and practice
The interaction of regional legislative assembly and municipal representative authorities (on the materials of the Kaluga region)
The article is dedicated to the analysis of legal and organizational mechanisms of the interaction of the legislative assembly and municipal representative bodies. The accent is done on the connection between the mechanisms of the interaction of the regional and municipal representative bodies with the development of the federal legal base of functioning of municipalities and with the whole logic of the municipal reform. The difficulties of such interaction caused by the common problems of functioning of the municipalities are also mentioned. The article analyses the process of the development of the legal base of the municipalities of the Kaluga region and the practice of the interaction of regional legislative assembly and municipal regional representative bodies. The practice of the interaction is in the functioning of coordinating and advisory bodies (Advisory Council, Council of Young Deputies, Council of Non-Parliamentary Parties, Congress of Deputies of Representative Bodies of Municipal Entities) and also making seminars and meetings.

The special features of legal regulation of public-private partnership in Russia
The article analyses special features of legal regulation of public-private partnership (PPP) in Russia nowadays. The European experience of legal regulation is studied including the special features of contract relations in public-private regulation and the relations connected with the related to the distribution of property rights, costs and risks of the state and private actors. In Russian legislation PPP is considered as a way of way of attraction of business to creation of public goods. Despite the fact that Federal Law № 224-FL “On Public-Private Partnership, Municipal-Private Partnership in the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” consists legal bases of public-private partnership, practice shows that many questions are not regulated yet. On the example of the public-private partnership in innovation sphere it is showed that the problems of delineation of powers of the federal center and subjects, the mechanisms of long-term financing, the absence of the concept of the development of the PPP, and some problems of the system of public administration seems to be real difficulties. The improvement of the legal regulation of PPP and of the ways of financing and crediting of the PPP projects, the improvement of tax and tariff regulation, formation of legal bases and institutes of commercialization of results of innovations are proposed as possible decisions of the named problems.

Improvement of state policy in a field of prevention of extremism among youth
To the question of the security of educational institutions
In this article the author considers the structure of safety and security objectives of cultural and educational institutions, which in recent years has acquired a special topicality and importance. Today educational institutions are among the most vulnerable structures, because the consequences of emergencies, they have some particularities of heaviness, often respond to a strong political and social resonance in the country and abroad. The urgency of the problem of security in OU due to the many real facts of dangerous situations in the shelter and high mortality in these situations. In addition, unhappiness with the child always acquires a special public resonance. It was determined that the need to identify and study all kinds of dangers in the field of education. The activities of the management bodies of the organization for the creation and management of the safety management system and risk management in emergency situations in educational and cultural institutions is a very complex and multipart work that requires a special approach to the organization of activities of officials dealing with security agencies in emergency situations and in case of their occurrence. According to the author, today one of the most serious issues that deserve the attention of specialists, is an organization of risk management in emergency situations in educational and cultural institutions. This is because pupils and students because of their inexperience, are most vulnerable to emergencies and its consequences.

Foreign experience of public administration
International projects in space and nuclear energy: Russian-Indian partnership
The article analyzes the influence of international projects in the development of such knowledge-intensive industries as space and nuclear energy on the Indian economy and its position in international relations. India has intensive cooperation with Russia in space projects. The article studies the stages of development of Russian-Indian cooperation in space and the most important projects (the development of navigation technologies, the creation of a radio telescope, the study of solar activity). The author studies Russian-Indian cooperation in the nuclear energy development, distinguishing two interconnected aspects: from one side - Russia’s support of the Indian nuclear programs, from another side - Russian participation in the real projects of the building of nuclear power plants in India. It is mentioned that the partnership has the suitable legal base, long history, strategic character and is addressed to the development of the knowledge-intensive industries, contributing to economic growth. It is the reason why the perspectives of russian-indian projects can be appreciated as as favorable for both countries.

The practice of international cooperation in the military-technical sphere: the experience of cooperation of Russia and Tajikistan
The article is devoted to the study of the development process of Russian-Tajik militarytechnical cooperation in the period of the creation of the most important public institutions. The rticle analyses the most important stages of the military collaboration between Russia and Tajikista and the experience of the organisation of military aid and the aid to the civilian population in emergencies. For eech stage of the development of the collaboration the author highlights the priority directions of collaboration. Particularly in the article are studied such aspects of Russian-Tajik military cooperation as the work of the group of military observers of CIS, including the border protection and various types of peacekeeping activities, the supply of military technique, training of military specialists. The author comes to the conclusion that on all the stages of the collaboration was the Russian participation in the regulation of the internal conflicts in Tajikistan, the training of military specialists and the participation in creation of the number of arms of Tajikistan, the supplies of weapons and military equipment, as well as assistance in the protection of the border.

The realization of international projects in science and technology: Australian-Chinese experience
The research contents the analysis of the experience of the collaboration of Australia and China in science and innovations. The main directions of the development of international cooperation in the sphere of science and innovations are studied including the focus on addressing global problems and achieving sustainable development goals, the revitalization of cooperation in international relations. As the main contradiction of the development of science and technology it is highlighted from one side the desire of countries to strengthen the national sphere of science, from another - the international character of the most important research projects. The work analyses the structure of the sphere of science in Australia and China and the history of the collaboration of these two countries. It is mentioned that the development of scientific and technical cooperation leaded the development of the contacts in education and the revitalization of the Chinese investment in Australia. The research of the experience of the realization of cooperative Australian-Chinese projects made it possible to conclude that the cooperation of these two countries is based on the mutual complementation - China has resources and is ready to invest in the development of science and Australia is the country with the developed sphere of science. It determines the growth of the number of their cooperative projects in science and technology.

Management of development of territories
The innovative development of urban space: the building in the Krymskiy Val
The object of the research of this work are the practices of the transforming of the urban environment into a common space comfortable and attractive for different groups of the population of Moscow. The perspectives of the development of the museum and exhibition complex in the Krimskiy Val (The Central House of Artists, CHA, the State Tretyakov Gallery, STG) are studied. CHA is considered as the communicative platform, where the main way of communication (including professional communication) is exhibitions and fairs (usually of cultural and architectural direction). The main principle of the conception of such activities is the attraction of different categories of visitors: children and adults, professionals and amateurs. STG was positioned as a museum space. One of the main problems was the low site attendance. As a decision of the problem are mentioned the ways to attract the audience to the museum and exhibition spaces among which are the change of the ways of usage of the space, days of free attendance of the exhibition, the participation in popular urban projects.

The experience of studying the best practices of cluster development in Russia: the Kaluga Region
The article analyzes the practice of cluster development of the Kaluga region. The authors study the main social and economic results of the investment and the ways of organization of cluster development management. The main mechanisms contributing to the positive results are identified. They are in creation of the infrastructure fields and the special way of building the system of management and of organization of the cluster development. One of the approaches to the organization of the system of management of the cluster development is the division of administrative and communicative functions and the functions of the financial management and of the infrastructure development. The article studies the organizational decisions for the realization of the principle of functional division and also shows one of the ways of the decision of the problem of coordination between the organizations included in the cluster.