State Management of National Resources at the Conceptual Level - Images and Meanings of State Symbols
- Authors: Omelchenko V.V.1
- MIC “NPO Mashinostroyeniya”
- Issue: Vol 8, No 3 (2021)
- Pages: 239-255
- Section: Public administration: theory and practice
- URL:
- DOI:
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This article is a further continuation of the work on the review of the basics of state management of national resources (state and use), in relation to its system - forming function-state policy and political symbols (the conceptual level of management). From the system positions of the general theory of classification and systematization, the functions of state management of national resources are considered and the role and place of each of them in a single universal management circuit is determined. The role and place of political symbols (a sub-function of the conceptual-strategic level) are considered on the basis of the proposed invariant structure of the typical contour of state management of the state of national resources (operational-tactical level). From the modern state symbols of the Russian Federation, the iconic image “two - headed eagle” is selected and its prototypes and the origins of their origin, which are located in ancient times, are considered. To consider the evolution of the iconic images of state symbols of modern Russia, it is proposed to systematize and analyze them at different historical stages, to this end, systematize and analyze the following Old Testament images of power (state symbols) of various countries of the world: “non-predatory bird”, “bird of prey”, “griffin”, “two-headed eagle”, systematize and analyze the sacred images of power “double-headed eagle” and “griffin” in the symbolism of the countries of the world with the identification of their sacred meanings-binary (binary). Conclusions are drawn about the common origins of the origin and distribution of these Old Testament images of state symbols in the countries of the Indo-European community, the systematization and analysis of the Old Testament images of power (state symbols) of various countries of the world: “non-predatory bird”, “bird of prey”, “griffon”, “double - headed eagle” allows us to trace the evolution of the origin and formation of the main state symbol of Russia “double-headed eagle”, at the heart of the Old Testament images of power “griffin” and “double-headed eagle” in the symbolism of the countries of the world lie the sacred meanings of the universal and fundamental principle of reality (world, reality, being) - the duality (duality) of opposite, proportionate and balanced entities.
About the authors
Victor V. Omelchenko
MIC “NPO Mashinostroyeniya”
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, State Advisor of the Russian Federation of the 1st class, Advisor to the Secretariat of the Scientific and Technical Council of MIC “NPO Mashinostroyeniya”
33, Gagarina str., Reutov, Russian Federation, 143966References
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