Perception of the Memorial Conflict around the Film “The Death of Stalin” among Russian Internet Users

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The presented study is devoted to the problem of perception of the conflict around the film “Death of Stalin” among Russian Internet users. The article is based on materials from the cybermetric study conducted through the social media monitoring service IQBuzz. The methodological basis of the work is formed by cybermetric methods combined with elements of traditional content analysis and descriptive analysis. The survey showed that Russian Internet users perceived the film “Stalin’s Death” mostly negatively. Support for the release of the movie is detected in only 25% of the messages included in the sample. Support of the movie by users was mostly not politically motivated. Russian authorities didn’t find support from the users for the film’s rental license. In their opinion, the scandal associated with the revocation of the film’s film license provoked increase of interest. Both opponents and apologists of the film agreed that the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation paid too much attention to this problem, distracting from the solution of the more significant tasks facing the department. The actions of officials were considered as an attempt to restrict freedom of speech. The reason for criticism was also inconsistency in the actions of government officials. The state opposed the release of the anti-Soviet film in terms of content, while Russian films, created in a similar ideological vein, are supported by the authorities.

About the authors

Sergey I. Belov

Moscow State University; Saint Petersburg State University; Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Politics, Moscow State University (Russian Federation); Doctoral Candidate, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation); Grant Contractor, Russian Foundation for Basic Research No 18-18-00233, Saint Petersburg State University

Leninskiye Gory str., 1, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119991; University Embankment, 7/9, St Petersburg, Russian Federation, 199034; Goncharnaya str., 12,1, Moscow, Russian Federation, 109240


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Copyright (c) 2020 Belov S.I.

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