Legal limitations for the use of breakthrough digital technologies in public administration

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The purpose of this study is to identify legal constraints for the digitalization and digital transformation of public administration, based on the introduction and application of breakthrough digital technologies. The research methodology is based on the distinction between the stages of informatization, digitalization and digital transformation, as well as the identification of legal barriers to digitalization and digital transformation of public administration by individual stages of the management cycle and individual public functions. As a result of the analysis, both general barriers to digitalization and digital transformation of public administration, and special barriers for each stage of the management cycle were identified and systematized. The necessity of eliminating the identified legal barriers to the digitalization and digital transformation of the public administration has been substantiated by introducing a set of changes in federal legislation and sub-legal regulatory legal acts.

About the authors

V N Yuzhakov

Public Management Technologies Center AERI RANEPA

Author for correspondence.


E V Talapina

Public Management Technologies Center AERI RANEPA



A A Yefremov

Public Management Technologies Center AERI RANEPA




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Copyright (c) 2018 Yuzhakov V.N., Talapina E.V., Yefremov A.A.

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