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In the article the author considers the conceptual threat of monopoly a competitive basis for the placement of the state order in Russia. Appearance as a result of application of the tender system, the moral hazard in the allocation of public funds to provide a high corruption capacity the implementation of government projects. Often, the company claims to budget money, just about knowing where and how to get the desired result, due to the involvement of the leadership or the future subcontractor of a public authority in the process of placing an order. In this regard, in order of creation liability when the profit from the possibility of order “strangers” means, the author focuses on the necessity to reform the existing system of public procurement. At the same time, there are occurring unstructured latent processes of personalization of responsibility for the realization of several projects of strategic planning level and the need of institutionalization of the so-called operators of large national projects. Deciding this issue by creating state-dominated companies, the author think fit it’s possible to significantly enhance the incentive function of the state order for the national economy, at the same time, going out of moral hazard area during its placement.

About the authors

Denis Nikolaevich Putimtsev

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Author for correspondence.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Public Administration of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, RUDN University

6 Miklukho-Maklaya St., Moscow, Russia, 117198


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