Honorary citizenship in Moscow history
- Authors: Akulenko I.V1
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Issue: Vol 4, No 3 (2017)
- Pages: 266-281
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/article/view/18191
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2017-4-3-266-281
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There was no accident in appearing of honorary citizenship class in Russian empire in the end of 18 century. It helped to solve several problems: removal of social tensions, integration problem of other worship and new ethnic groups, choosing people and giving them special privileges for the benefit of Russian state. Advantages of eminent citizens written by Katherine the 2nd in letters patent were: exemption from corporal punishment, conscription, ability in owning country yards and gardens (except for populated estates), moving around city in a carriage pulled by 2 or 4 horses. Titles of eminent citizens were inheritable. Grand children of eminent citizens who were bearing the title blamelessly could ask for nobility on reaching 30 years old. In 1832 Emperor Nikolay the 1st established manifest about class of honorary citizens. Honorary citizens were divided in personal and hereditary. Morozovy, Ryabushkinky, Guchkovy families were the famous representatives of this class. The title of honorary citizen was removed by VCIK and CNK decree from November 11 (24) 1917 about abolition of classes and civil officials. Soon it was decided (on the similar principals) to reward honored citizens with “honorary citizen” title for the benefit of the city. New title establishment not only helped to solve the problem of national scale but also encouraged the development of patronage, culture, science and municipal administration system in the whole Russian economics.
About the authors
Ilia V Akulenko
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Author for correspondence.
Email: akulenko@live.ru
27/4 Lomonosovskyi ave, Moscow, Russia, 119991References
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