Mikhail Kondratyev: When There is Only a Name on a Card
- Authors: Sachkova M.E.1, Kochetkov N.V.2
- Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
- Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
- Issue: Vol 17, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 554-562
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/psychology-pedagogics/article/view/24720
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-1683-2020-17-3-554-562
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The article is dedicated to the memory of an outstanding scientist, founder and dean of the Faculty of Social Psychology at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE). Mikhail Yurievich Kondratyev was a well-known researcher and practitioner in the field of social psychology, including the problems of closed social groups, status structuring of communities of different types, relations of interpersonal significance, phenomena of power and authority, to mention just a few. He was also the author of over 300 educational, scientific and methodological publications on social, penitentiary, developmental and educational psychology.
About the authors
Marianna E. Sachkova
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Email: msachkova@mail.ru
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, is Professor at the Department of General Psychology, Institute of Social Sciences 84 Vernadsky Ave, Moscow, 119571, Russian Federation
Nikita V. Kochetkov
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Email: nkochetkov@mail.ru
Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor, is Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretical Basis of Social Psychology 29 Sretenka St, Moscow, 127051, Russian Federation
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