Spiritual Capacities and Productive Life Activity of the Family
- Authors: Ozhiganova G.V1
- Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: Vol 15, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 395-409
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/psychology-pedagogics/article/view/20370
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-1683-2018-15-4-395-409
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In the article the role of spiritual factors in the productive life activity of the family is considered. A particular attention is given to the description of the construct “spiritual capacities”. The influence of a moral aspect of motivation, value orientations on the satisfaction with marriage, the success of the family life is analyzed. It is shown that the family well-being is promoted by the moral motives of marriage, spiritual value orientations related to the awareness of the meaning of life, selfimprovement, altruism. The importance of spiritual capacities and spiritual orientation for the family productive life activity is noted. The detailed descriptions of such spiritual capacities as moral, reflexive, self-regulatory, creative, which the author attributes to the category of the higher ones, are given. These capacities make it possible to lay a solid moral foundation for the family relations and the successful upbringing of children, create the opportunity for the creative development, the manifestation of wisdom and spiritual self-improvement of the family members. It is emphasized that a healthy, happy family can be considered as the result of the productive life activity of its members, aimed at maintaining and developing the family. A productive life activity of the family can be also related to the success and productivity of its members in the field of educational, professional and other activities. In both cases, spiritual capacities can serve as a guarantor of the wellbeing and the productive life activity of the family.
About the authors
Galina V Ozhiganova
Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences
Author for correspondence.
Email: symposium2016@rambler.ru
Ph.D. in Psychology, senior researcher, Laboratory of Psychology of Abilities and Mental Resources, Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia).
13 Yaroslavskaya St., Moscow, 129366, Russian FederationReferences
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