Eschatology of the post-Christian Republic
- Authors: Sardaryan H.T.1
- MGIMO University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 4 (2023): New Reversals in the Theory and Methodology of Political Science
- Pages: 767-777
- URL:
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- EDN:
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The author analyzes the development of the political and philosophical concept of republic as a common cause in the conditions of transformation of the value system of Western society. The main problem of the research is the reason why the existence of the republic in the conditions of modern ideological and theoretical foundations of the society of individual consumerism faces the impossibility of achieving the common good as the goal-setting of a common cause. The study traces the ontology of the republic in the political thought of ancient philosophers, medieval thinkers and modern representatives of Western political theory. The central role, in this sense, is played by Christianity, which for many centuries has been a systematic representation of the essence of the common good. In the conditions of modern Western society, it has ceased to be a transcendent system of values, giving way to relativistic concepts that are unable to act as a foundation for social harmony. The author comes to the conclusion that the modern era has led to the deprivation of the republic of goal-setting, replacing the collective essence of society with the individual egoism of a citizen, while postmodernism, rejecting any form of collective self-identification of a person, deprives him of the opportunity to act as a citizen.
About the authors
Henry T. Sardaryan
MGIMO University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8515-4321
Dr. Sci. (Pol. Sci.), Associate Professor, Dean at School of Governance and Politics
Moscow, Russian FederationReferences
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