Archival Heritage of Solovyov V.S. in Russia: Analytical Review
- Authors: Berdnikova A.Y.1,2
- RAS Institute of Philosophy
- FINO Consortium, University of Turin
- Pages: 818-828
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The study is devoted to the study of actual state of the archival materials of V.S. Solovyov which are held in different funds of Russia. During the working process was carried out the analysis of Solovyov’s related materials in a number of archives of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the context of this topic, documents from such archive funds as: RGALI, GARF, TsAGM, OR RSL (Moscow), OR RNL, IRLI RAS, RGIA (St. Petersburg) were reviewed. Particular attention was paid to the 1880s as the least researched period of philosopher’s work in his biography due to the insufficient availability of sources and to the restrictions of spiritual censorship in connection with the church-political content of Solovyov’s works of this period (“The Great Debate and Christian Politics”, 1883; “The History and Future of Theocracy”, 1887, etc.). In this regard, special attention was paid to the Solovyov funds in such archives as RGALI (F. 446) and OR RNB (F. 718). In the course of the study, many storage units were identified containing unsorted, draft materials, notebooks and notes of the philosopher, which need to be systematized and studied. The work carried out allows us to establish the scale and determine the priority areas of current research on the creative biography and philosophy of V.S. Solovyov based on the study of primary sources in the archives of Russia.
About the authors
Aleksandra Yu. Berdnikova
RAS Institute of Philosophy; FINO Consortium, University of Turin
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1607-5061
Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Research fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; PhD Student at FINO Consortium, University of Turin
12/1 Goncharnaya St., 109240, Moscow, Russian Federation; 20 Via Sant’Ottavio, 10124. Torino, ItalyReferences
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