Neoplatonism and Byzantine Patristics: The Relationship of Plotinus’ Concept of the Triad and the Christian Doctrine of the Holy Trinity

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Traces the continuity of the ideas of Neoplatonism in Greek-Byzantine Patristics in the process of developing the orthodox doctrine of the Holy Trinity by the Church Fathers. The author emphasizes commonalities and distinctions in Neoplatonism and Christianity. Plotinus’ concept of the triad, the One - the Intellect - the Soul, is considered with a focus on the analysis of Plotinus’ ideas regarding the One as Deity and the Origin of the world. The process of emanation of the Neo-platonic trinity hypostasis and its connection through the World Soul with the material world is highlighted. The formation of the dogma of the Holy Trinity in classical Eastern (Greek-Byzantine) Patristics is presented in comparison with Neoplatonism. The ideas of Arius and Arianism, which also absorbed Neoplatonism, but created a theology of a different, unorthodox persuasion, are considered. The provisions of Athanasius of Alexandria, a representative of classical Patristics, on the Holy Trinity and Arius are compared. The creative perception of Plotinus’ conceptual positions in the works of St. Athanasius is presented and their difference is analyzed. In particular, the concepts of the One, the Intellect, and the Soul of Plotinus and St. Athanasius’ understanding of God the Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit are considered. The peculiarity of the emergence and existence of the hypostases in Plotinus’ triad in the dialectical process of successive emanation is highlighted. The existence of the hypostases in the triadic dogma of Christianity is shown as the same in being (homoousion) of the three Persons of the Trinity united by a single divine essence. The theological interpretation of the intra-divine life of the Trinity and its philosophical-religious expression in the categories “unborn” (Father), “begotten” (Son of God), “proceeding from the Father” (Holy Spirit) are revealed. The concepts of emanation (Neoplatonism) and proceeding (Patristics) are compared.

About the authors

Denis I. Chistyakov

Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8805-297X

PhD in Sociology, Deputy Director for Science HBTI RUDN, senior research fellow

6 Miklukho-Maklaya St, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation


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