Beck’s smallnodular sarcoid in dermatologist practice
- Authors: Mesnyankina O.A.1, Ryabov S.K.2
- Astrakhan State Medical University
- L.L.C. Consilium
- Pages: 188-193
- URL:
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The low incidence of skin sarcoidosis in the practice of a dermatologist, numerous clinical manifestations, similarities with other dermatoses cause difficulties in timely diagnosis, lead to diagnostic errors, and, as a consequence, untimely therapy. The presented clinical observation demonstrates the important role of conducting a detailed differential diagnostic search in patients with suspected skin sarcoidosis. Cutaneous manifestations of the pathological process can be combined with lesions of the lymph nodes, respiratory system and other organs, precede them or be isolated, in this regard, each patient with a verified diagnosis of skin sarcoidosis should be examined to exclude systemic signs of the disease. It should be emphasized that sarcoidosis of the skin can have a paraneoplastic character, being a marker of lymphoproliferative processes, myelodysplastic syndrome, therefore, correct and timely verification of the skin process may be a prerequisite for early diagnosis of other, possibly subclinically occurring pathological processes in the patient.
About the authors
Olga A. Mesnyankina
Astrakhan State Medical University
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1599-301X
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Sergey K. Ryabov
L.L.C. Consilium
Author for correspondence.
Astrakhan, Russian Federation
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