Physiological cost as a factor determining the effectiveness of human activity in the visual images reproduction
- Authors: Merkulova M.A1, Lapkin M.M1
- Ryazan State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 24, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 253-261
- Section: Physiology
- URL:
- DOI:
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Physiological value is one of the factors affecting the effectiveness of human activities. Currently, there is no single approach to assess the physiological value of human behavior. The article presents data on the role of the physiological cost of human activity, estimated by the indicators of mathematical analysis of heart rate, in the reproduction of matrix visual images. The article puts forward the position that the physiological cost of activity is an important factor in the formation of unequal performance. At the same time, the physiological cost is reflected not only in shifts in a number of physiological indicators when the subjects perform a particular activity, but in the nature and levels of expression of correlation relationships between indicators of this activity and indicators that reflect physiological changes in the body at the same time.
About the authors
M. A Merkulova
Ryazan State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Ryazan, Russian Federation
M. M Lapkin
Ryazan State Medical University
Ryazan, Russian Federation
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