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The annual steady increase of the herpesviral infections number in the human population is one of the most important interdisciplinary problems of modern medicine. Clinicians and laboratory diagnostics physicians face difficulties in clinical symptoms assessing, inadequate laboratory diagnostics and difficulties in interpretation of the obtained results. This is connected with a low awareness of atypical chronic active infection symptoms caused in particular by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), of the ability to fully diagnose, and of serious consequencescaused by prolonged activity of herpesviruses in the human body. Studies were carried out to determinethe functioning features of the antiviral defense system, as well as defects and disorders in the interferon system in patients suffering from various mono-, mixed herpesvirus infections and bacterial co-infections. The main clinical syndromes associated with these herpetic infections, as well as prevailing nosological forms of concomitant diseases, have been identified. Among the group of patients suffering from mono-herpesvirus infections, the leading position takes the allergic syndrome (55%), while the syndrome of chronic fatigue syndrome (85%) and the infectious syndrome (68%) prevail in the incidence of patients with mixed herpesvirus infections. Extended testing of the antiviral protection main mechanisms state made it possible to identify the most frequent defects in the functioning of antiviral immunity: disturbances in induced production of IFNα and IFNγ, deficiency of cytotoxic T lymphocytes, deficiency of natural killer cells, including EKT, and / or inadequate absence of their activation, neutropenia. The revealed clinical syndromes and functioning features of the antiviral defense system will allow us to further develop the concept of complex, individualized, etio- and immunopathogenetic therapy.

About the authors

I. V. Nesterova

Kuban State Medical University; Clinical and diagnostic center MEDSI on Belorusskaya

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 4714-2488
Krasnodar, Russia

E. O. Khalturina

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow (Sechenov University); Clinical and diagnostic center MEDSI on Belorusskaya

SPIN-code: 2813-4952
Moscow, Russia


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