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The article analyzes the results of electromyography of the abdominal muscles in 189 patients with median postoperative hernia of the anterior abdominal wall of different sizes before and after the combined methods of hernioplasty, including considering the level of connective tissue failure. In the preoperative period, electromyography was performed in 69 (36,6%), after combined hernioplasty, 120 (63,4%) patients. The patients were divided into a group of 161 (85,1%) patients with clinically significant or histologically confirmed connective tissue insufficiency and into a group of 28 (14,9%) patients without it. The distribution of patients in the examination groups was carried out using an original method of assessing the degree of deviation of collagen fibers from the projection of the Langer lines in microscopic specimens of the skin areas excised during the operation and based on the results of a retrospective analysis of case histories with determination of the intraoperative adhesions of the adhesions in the abdominal cavity or hernial sac. In the formed groups, we studied the amplitude, frequency, front and area of electromyograms obtained from the direct and lateral muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. It was found that in patients with median postoperative hernias, mesenchymal dysplasia was the main reason for the decrease in functional activity and the imbalance of forces between the direct and lateral abdominal muscles. Optimal restoration of electroactivity of the abdominal muscles after combined hernioplasty occurred among patients without clinically significant connective tissue insufficiency. When reaching a giant postoperative hernia of gigantic size in patients with a clinically significant level of connective tissue dysplasia, the functioning of the abdominal muscles decreased by 26%, and in patients without it only by 15%. The pathology of collagen in skin grafts excised during surgery was detected in 91,5% of patients with mid-incisional hernias.

About the authors

R. I. Railianu

Shevchenko State University of Pridnestrovie

Author for correspondence.
Email: railianu.radu@yandex.com
SPIN-code: 2736-4592
Moldova, Tiraspol

G. I. Podoliniy

Shevchenko State University of Pridnestrovie

Email: railianu.radu@yandex.com
Moldova, Tiraspol

A. V. Marshaluk

Shevchenko State University of Pridnestrovie

Email: railianu.radu@yandex.com
Moldova, Tiraspol


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Copyright (c) 2019 Railianu R.I., Podoliniy G.I., Marshaluk A.V.

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