- Authors: Klimov AE1, Popov VS1, Barchudarov AA1, Yuriy AV2
- RUDN University
- Vinogradov’ Municipal Clinical Hospital
- Issue: Vol 22, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 249-257
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article deals with the impact of polypropylene and polyester mesh implants on the sexual function of men of reproductive age after the plastic surgery of the inguinal canal in the Lichtenstein technique. For an adequate comparison of groups of patients with established polypropylene and polyester implants, an algorithm for their examination was developed. For a comprehensive assessment of sexual function in the study, it is divided into two components. Fertility of 155 patients was assessed through the analysis of spermiological studies performed in young patients with inguinal hernia. The possible reason of the immunological form of sterility, against the background of established reticular endoprostheses, a spermiological study in each patient was supplemented with a Mar-test in order to search for antisperm antibodies. To assess the copulative component of sexual function, patients of both groups were questioned according to the questionnaire “International Index of Erectile Function, Version 5” (ICEF 5). After statistical processing of the data based on the developed algorithm, no statistically significant differences between the groups of patients with established polypropylene and polyester implants were revealed. However, in one patient in the group where polypropylene mesh endoprostheses were used, changes in the spermiological analysis taken after the operative allowance, which can speak of a sharp decrease in the quality of the ejaculate, up to the development of sterility, are revealed. Also, this patient recorded a decrease below the ICEF 5. The results of the study, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were given to practicing surgeons about the possibility of using polypropylene and polyester reticular endoprostheses in plastics of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal in men of reproductive age.
About the authors
A E Klimov
RUDN University
Author for correspondence.
V S Popov
RUDN University
A A Barchudarov
RUDN University
A V Yuriy
Vinogradov’ Municipal Clinical Hospital
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