- Authors: Labazanova MA1,2, Kirichenko IM2,3, Popaduk VI3
- FGBU “State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyana” FMBA of Russia
- FGBU “Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology” FMBA of Russia
- RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)
- Issue: Vol 21, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 418-424
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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Purpose: to compare the results of the traditional and minimally invasive methods of surgi-cal treatment performed for chronic purulent maxillary sinusitis. Materials and methods. We examined 100 patients with chronic suppurative maxillary sinusitis (one-sided process), 56 women and 44 men, aged 18 to 76 years (the average age is 40 years). All patients were divided into 3 groups. The main group was treated with balloon sinusoplasty. Two comparison groups were endoscopic and microsurgery through the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus. Main criteria for the effectiveness of surgical treatment of patients with chronic purulent the maxillary sinusitis was an endoscopic picture of the nasal cavity, evaluation of CT scan of paranasal sinuses, and a study of the transport function of ciliated epithelium. Results: Good and satisfactory results prevail in the main group of patients. Conclusion: balloon sinusoplasty can be recommended as one of the methods of choice in the treatment of patients with chronic purulent maxillary sinusitis.
About the authors
M A Labazanova
FGBU “State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyana” FMBA of Russia; FGBU “Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology” FMBA of Russia
Author for correspondence.
I M Kirichenko
FGBU “Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology” FMBA of Russia; RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)
Кириченко Ирина Михайловна, д.м.н. заведующая отделением заболеваний носа и глотки ФГБУ «Научно-клинический центр оториноларингологии» ФМБА России, Москва, Россия; профессор кафедры оториноларингологии оториноларингологии медицинского института ФГАОУ ВО «Российский университет дружбы народов»
Ул. Миклухо-Маклая 8, Москва, РоссияV I Popaduk
RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)
Ул. Миклухо-Маклая 8, Москва, Россия
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