No 1 (2015)


Aesthete Archetype in the A. Marienhof’s Discourse of Narrator and Persona in 1920-s

Isaev G.G.


The article dwells on functioning of aesthete archetype in the A. Marienhof’s discourse of narrator and persona in 1920-s, its influence of poet-imaginist’s individual style. A special attention is given to determining the factors of forming A. Marienhof’s aesthetic worldview. The early 1920-s poems from the “Reality” collection, “Blind legs” and “Magdalene” poems etc. are the most representative, and characterized by the presence of the aesthete archetype in different aspects. The persona of A. Mariehof’s poetry reveals features of poet-aesthete who he feels not so much the beauty of the world and the human being as the perfection of the artistic form. As an aesthete, he “separates the aesthetic aspect of the perceptible from its ethical and cognitive aspect”. A. Marienhof beheld the revolution not as a moral but as aesthetic experience. It appears in his artistic works as a fantastic collage composed of incidents. The surrealism of the revolutionaryreality with the feeling of its absurdity neighbored to the surrealism of peculiar beauty of the unexpected and counterintuitive events. The descriptive and prescriptive strategies of discourse creation are prevalent. The corporality, appearance, newsworthiness, realityare perceived through the emphasis of something dreadful and physical.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):7-17
pages 7-17 views

Romanticism code in the poem Andre Voznesenski “Masters”

Ankudinov K.N.


The article says about romanticism narrative in the short poem famous Russian Soviet poet Andre Voznesenski “Masters” by the base romanticism code. Modernistic poem “Masters” is compare in the realistic poem Russian Soviet poet Dmitry Kedrin “Architects” in the analogical historic fable. Result: poem Andre Voznesenski “Masters” is authors myth, go in the history and in the present times.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):18-27
pages 18-27 views

The concept of the revolution in A.A. Ganin’s works (on the example of lyrics of 1910s-1920s)

Krotova D.V.


The article is devoted to the examination of A.A. Ganin’s philosophical and historical ideas, in particular, his concept of revolution. Based on the analysis of Ganin’s lyrics of 1910s-1920s, the “myth” of the revolution, created in his work, is reconstructed, the characteristic of his complex, ambiguous attitude to the revolutionary events is disclosed, its reasons and preconditions are studied. The typical for Ganin’s creativity relationship of the concept of revolution with eschatological motifs is considered. In connection with the analysis of Ganin’s historical views is addressed the question of the relation of his work with some literary phenomena of the turn of the century and the first decades of the twentieth century, in particular, symbolism and expressionism.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):28-35
pages 28-35 views

A verse line in the prose of V. Aksenov

Ivashchenko E.G.


The following article deals with specificity of the verse strategies in the prose of Vasily Aksenov. In the article we compare the short novel «The Colleagues» (1959) and the novel «The burn» (1975) both written in soviet period and take notice of the authors strategy of combining verse and prose in his literature works. In his early prose Aksenov used traditional verse forms noticeably diving them from prose, yet in the novel «The burn» he combined the forms in different ways increasing the variety of verse strategies and their usage in the narration and putting more sense in them.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):36-43
pages 36-43 views

“Large” and “Small” poetic forms in new lyric-epic relationship (based on the poetry by M. Stepanova)

Verina U.Y.


The article presents an analysis of the problems associated with the genre renewal of modern poetry, notes the importance of the concepts of “big” and “small” form to determine the boundaries of lyrical and lyric-epic genres. On the material of Maria Stepanova poetry considered “small” and “large” poetic forms (lyric, ballad, cycle, poem, a book of poetry), shows their genre specificity.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):44-52
pages 44-52 views

The specific of the genre of V. Levental’s novel “Mary Regina”

Magliy A.D.


The article is devoted to the analysis of genre features of the novel “Mary Regina” of St. Petersburg writer V. Levental. The main theme of creativity, the profession of the protagonist - a film director and also the presence of salient genre features (the motifs of creation, the conflict: the сreator and the world) allow to define the genre of this novel as “a novel about the artist”. Levental draws a parallel between the physical processes occurring in space and on Еarth, shows their community and similarity: the life of the heroine Masha Regina, has grown from a provincial girl to film director - world-renowded star, is shown by the author in comparison with the laws of the development of stars: their birth, evolution and death. The structure and the composition of the novel are based on the model of a “Cross cap”, which symbolizes the infinity of the universe that can relate it to such genre modification, as “a novel-model of the world”.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):53-60
pages 53-60 views

The images of Kalmyks in the works by A. Dumas and H. Balzac

Sorokina G.A.


The author of the article has attempted to analyse the images of Kalmyks seen through the eyes of two writers - A. Dumas and H. Balzac. The first contact of so distant cultures as French and Kalmyks took place in the period of Napoleonic Wars: in 1814 Russian army including Kalmyk forces marched into Paris. Balzac in the novel “Ursula Mirouet” reflected the perception of images of Kalmyks as absolutely alien and inimical. In 1858-1859 Dumas visited Russia and described his impressions in the travel book, where description of Kalmyk culture took a great place. Dumas presented Kalmyk culture as Buddhistic and expressed his delight with many features of national Kalmyk character. The author of the article believes, that literary images of Kalmyks is one of the forms of cultural dialogue.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):61-67
pages 61-67 views

On question of interliterary dialog in a space of polycultural text (based on a literary cycle “Dreams of the Damned” by Aslan Zhaksylykov)

Valikova O.A.


The article is devoted to the interliterary dialogue as one of the strategies of communicative cooperation among ethnically heterogeneous cultural domains. The phenomenon of “Russian-speaking writer” is analyzed in terms of creative discourse, which generates special texts which represent the “contaminated picture of the world”. Ethno-cultural content may include such levels of a literary text, as architectonics, mythological system, the subjective aspect of the organization in linguocultural typecasting (V.I. Karasik). On the material of multicultural text by bilingual writer Aslan Zhaksylykov decryption of basic ethnic sense, further “enriched” in the process of interaction with the Russian literary tradition, is given.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):68-76
pages 68-76 views

“Step to the heart of Russia”: R.M. Rilke and L. Andreas-Salome in Nizovka

Milyugina E.G.


The article considers the visit of R.M. Rilke and L. Andreas-Salome to the peasant poet S.D. Drozhzhin in the Tver village Nizovka (1900). Complex analysis of personal documents (Rilke’s letters, Andreas-Salome’s diary, Drozhzhin’s memories) allows to state that although familiarity with Drozhzhin was a reason for the trip, but really travelers studied the culture of the Upper Volga’s province represented in different social and psychological types. Nizovka has been understood by travelers as the ultimate expression of Russianness, “the heart of Russia”, which became the basis for its mythologizing, granting the status of Russian paradise.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):77-83
pages 77-83 views

American Broadcasting during World War I: Its Strategic Military and Propaganda Significance

Malakhovsky A.K.


The article is dedicated to evolution of US radio broadcasting in the years of World War I. Being totally controlled by government bodies radio communications primarily had strategic military significance. Propaganda aspects of transmitted radiograms increasingly mattered as well. By the end of the war evolving voice and music techniques signified the start of experimental musical broadcasts for limited audiences.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):84-88
pages 84-88 views

Television - the window into the wide world

Fedetova L.N.


This article discusses aspects of the development of information and communication environment in the “global-glocal” paradigm. The main features are a combination of factual and value communication in content as the characteristics of the information channel, television in particular, as well as the audience motive in the consumption information of such channel.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):89-98
pages 89-98 views

Transformation of functions of the Russian TV by production of the media product for children's audience

Gromova K.V.


The article describes the characteristics of the impact of television on children and youth audiences. Through television product child learns moral norms, rules of conduct and cultural values. Educational, cultural, educational and regulatory functions are now fundamental and should be implemented in the programs of any genre, aimed at any age group in accordance with its psychological and physical features. The author of the analysis of Russian channels broadcasting schedule for the presence of the necessary functions for children's television.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):99-107
pages 99-107 views

Features of the development of online journalism in China

Ryazanova A.Y.


In article the main directions of development of journalism of China on the Internet are investigated, their continuity decides on classical traditions, relevance, the importance, compliance to modern inquiries of audience, essential lines and qualitatively new opportunities come to light and the originality of its formation reveals. The author pays special attention to a modern situation of functioning of journalism in China in which there are new journalistic genres with special polycode convergent characteristics. The author pays attention to a role of the language element «chenyuy» caused by cultural tradition in formation of an original information and publicistic genre «news cartoon».
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):108-112
pages 108-112 views

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RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2015;(1):113-114
pages 113-114 views

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