The dramatic features of TV almanac at different stages of its existence
- Authors: Kemarskaya I.N.1
- Academy of Media Industry
- Issue: Vol 24, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 499-510
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is devoted to the problem of creating and destroying scenario intentions in the process of repackaging of television content during transfer to the Internet. The cardinal changes of the communication process are fixed during the transition from the subject-to-object unidirectional scheme of communication to the subject-to-subject method of communication. The focus is on the TV almanac “Galileo” (STS channel), and all the stages of its transformations are studied: from the adaptation of the foreign licensed version of the program, the process of formation and development of the domestic version of the format till its closure and a new life on the Internet.
About the authors
Irina N. Kemarskaya
Academy of Media Industry
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Philology, leading researcher of the Research Sector of Academy of Media Industry
105 Oktyabr'skaya St., bldg. 2, Moscow, 127521, Russian FederationReferences
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