Philosophical aspects of literary-critical creative work of I.B. Rodnyanskaya

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In most literary and critical articles of I. Rodnyanskaya, regardless of the originally chosen topic, the reasoning affects the laws of human nature in general. The explanation of this sustained interest in the philosophical aspect can be found in Rodnyanskaya’s methodological guidelines, namely in the commitment to the direction chosen by V. S. Solovyov in literary criticism. The essence of this approach is to correlate observations on the aesthetic side of the works with the truth in the highest sense of the concept. Solovyov’s method is evaluated positively, because he managed to point out the absence of contradictions between the careful study of the artistic aspect and the reading of the text from a philosophical perspective. The purpose of this article is identifying patterns that indicate the impact of creativity Solovyov on the methodology of literary criticism Rodnyanskaya in general and poetics of articles in particular. Referring to the literary and critical work of Solovyov, it is possible to comprehend goals of Rodnyanskaya herself. Close attention to the one of the sixties’s philosophical criticism suggests: in the era of the Thaw in literary criticism revived philosophical direction.

About the authors

Elizaveta M. Zenova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.

2-year postgraduate student, Department of Theory of Literature, Lomonosov Moscow State University

1 Leninskie gory, bldg. 51, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


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