No 3 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 14
- URL:
The theme of childhood in the russian memoir: figures of speech used to reveal «a child's worldview»
The article provides a brief analysis of several memoirs touching upon childhood. It explores figures of speech (coordinative word-combination, turn-taking), experienced speech used by authors to portray a child faithfully and show peculiarities of «a child's world view».
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):5-11

Japan to Pilnyak's poetic: from essay to cycle (on the problem of evolution of Pilnyak's poetic)
Article is devoted to a problem of art evolution of Pilnyak's poetics considered on an example of the «Japanese» cycle of works. Movement of author's idea from the short forms of narrative to more complicated genre formation is traced in details. Author gives reasons of presence of the major principles of cyclization.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):12-19

The problem of homelessness in russian literature of XX century: about mythologems «a home» and «a family» (on works of A. Neverov, V. Shishkov, L. Panteleev and G. Belyh, A. Pristavkin, V. Krapivin)
The article covers the problem of homelessness in Russian literature and the way it changes depending on the political situation in the country. The author relies on the most significant works of literature on this topic revealing the mythological motives of home and family in them.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):28-34

The destiny of princess (mythological world-view in the short story by Tatiana Tolstaya Loves me, loves me not)
The present article deals with mythological world-view, created by Tatiana Tolstaya in Loves Me, Loves Me Not, reveals the tragic nature of represented conflict and contradicts the «obvious» notion about truly significant hero of short story.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):35-41

On the soundsemantic contest of the poem by Henrich Heine «Ein fichtenbaum steht einsam...» (1821) and its translations into russian
This article is devoted to analyzing Henry Heine's poem «Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam...» (1821) and its translations into Russian by famous Russian poets of XIX century. In our investigations we used one method of experimental phonetics proposed by prof. S.B. Burago. In any language «a verse matter» is a set of sounds of human speech, thus a melody of poetic line is able to be semantically marked.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):42-50

Comparative analysis of arabic roman in Jordan and Egypt literature
The author of the article analyses general tendency and national specifics in establishing and development of Arabic Roman in Jordan and Egypt literature. Careful attention is paid to such question as 'irregularity' of literary processes and genre specific of Arabic Roman genesis in Arabic literature.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):51-55

Information warfare in South Osetia. Russian and Western mass media confrontation
The comparative analysis of publications covering the South Ossetia conflict in August 2008 is given in the present paper. The estimate of the authors' positions of articles generally recognized editorial policy of the media and its relations to the countries - participants of confrontation is also considered. The author attempts to characterize the information policy of the parties and find the defeat causes of the information policy of Russia at the initial stage of the conflict.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):56-68

Thematic and genre features of russian-language monthly magazine «China»
In this paper the thematic and genre analysis of Russian-language monthly magazine «China» is carried out in order to explore which group in the present magazine classification the considered periodical should be referred to. While creating monthly magazine «China» the Russian magazine «Ogonyok» was used as an example by Chinese journalists therefore when investigating the texts we relied on genre groups established in Russian journalism theory and practice.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):69-73

Peculiarities of application РR-technologies in political strike of pre-revolutionary Russia 1905-1912
In article PR-strategy of the largest political parties which have taken part in struggle for deputy mandates on elections in the State Duma of the Russian empire of the beginning of the XX-th century is considered. Activity of each political party is analyzed in three directions of work with voters, namely: organizational-mass, agitation-advertising and information-analytical. The special attention is given revealing of use of «negative» means of political strike.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):74-80

The role and the place of the press in the activization of Youth politic in the Chechen Republic
The article deal with the question of the role and the place of Russia&Chechen press in the prosses of activization of Youth politic in Chechen Republic and handled problems of formation Youth politic in the conditions of the government authorities of formation and peculiarities of theire reporting in the Russia & Chechen mess media
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):93-102

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):103-103

Trebovaniya, pred\"yavlyaemye k stat'yamdlya publikatsii v Zhurnale «Vestnik RUDN.Seriya „Literaturovedenie. Zhurnalistika»
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(3):104-105