Set speech formulas of address as the reflection of social and hierarchy relations of communicators in Arab society




Speech, depending upon communication situation, is not invariable. Arabians, when addressing to high rank persons and to each other apply accepted speech patterns differed by regions. In comparison with the Russian language the Arabian ASP shall obligatory consider gender components, for instanse, when applying names of posts, specialites and etc., which in many languages, including Russian, are applied in macculine gender only, namely: chairman, director, engineer, inspector, president, teacher and etc. ASP reflex social hierarchical relations, accepted in the life-style of every Arabian country. We deem that tasks of this analysis is firstly finding features of ASP and their description, and secondly, - review of features of their application depending on social differentiation of the modern Arabian language, which will allow to receive results, which will promote better mastering ASP and their application in public-speech practise by future language experts.


A Spirkin

Professor of East Languges Department in Military University

Professor of East Languges Department in Military University


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