To the question of meaning scope of concepts «vozduch» and «air» in russian and english linguistic consciouses in the aspect of linguistic and cultural competence of students
- 作者: Zhiltsova OV1
- Oryol State Technical University
- 期: 编号 1 (2010)
- 页面: 12-17
- 栏目: Articles
- URL:
The article covers different approaches to interpretation of the term «concept», it raises the problem of research of a linguistic world picture and it deals with the question of meaning of scope of concepts, which is in particular, based on concepts: «vozduch» in Russian and «air» in English languages, through combinability of these subject names with adjectives.
O Zhiltsova
Oryol State Technical UniversityКафедра «Иностранные языки»; Орловский государственный технический университет; Oryol State Technical University
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