Monarchy Signs and Symbols within the Baccus' Sphere of British Utilitarian Discourse (Lingua-Semiotic and Emotive Aspects)




The goal of the study is to describe lingua-semiotic and emotive aspects of updating the signs and symbols of the British monarchical power of Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman periods of British history as presentational elements of creolized texts in the signage to country pubs (taverns and pubs), marking and presenting the so-called Bacchic (alcohol-addicting) English-speaking utilitarian space discourse. We investigate the emotive attitude (often carnival) to the monarchy, explicated in signs of pubs as elements of utilitarian discourse in the form of signs of various properties and qualities (of emotion-laden iconic signs, symbols, emblems and verbal nomination). Marked are the anthropomorphic, coloromorphic, floromorphic, fitomorphic, faunamorphic, insectomorphic, military, sacred and purely monarchical semiotic constructs-presentems, actualizing emotional reaction of society to manifestations of monarchical power in the designated historic period of British ethnic group. The study used lingua-semiotic approach to the study of actual material using concepts presented as the smallest units of information exposure, representing complex lingua-semiotic (sign) clusters consisting of cognitive mastery of subject concepts and images of the world and transferred to another entity into the communication with the data subject with a view to impact on it. To highlight the emotive component within the semiotics of nominations and the creolized image of the signage two methods were used, such as introspection (to analyze the intentions of the pub’s owner and to obtain logical supposition on senses born within the creolized text) together with logic-semantic analysis of nominations (to obtain institutionary meanings). The research was carried out within the scientific research trend “Lingua-cultural and Lingua-semiotic Needs” developed at the Educational Center “Professional Foreign Language Communication” of Volgograd State Agrarian University.


A Olyanitch

Volgograd State Agrarian University

Foreign Languages Department Faculty of Tourism

O Khramova

Volgograd State Agrarian University

Foreign Languages Department Faculty of Tourism


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版权所有 © Olyanitch A., Khramova O., 2015

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