Ecological Compatibility Mode in Emotional Communication




Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone. R. Emerson The article demonstrates the necessity for the integration of different sciences to corroborate a new scientific direction in communicology called emotive linguoecology. The author postulates the interdependence of language ecology and human ecology with individual’s emotions. The study object is ecological compatibility in communication; the subject of the research is the role of emotions in shaping ecological compatibility of utterances. The research analyses of problems in effective communication, introspection, mass media and fiction text analysis, discourse analysis of emotional situations in institutional and interpersonal communication prove that there is no direct interdependence between emotions and ecological compatibility mode; this connection is situational. The author offers new perspectives on how to shift from the theory of speech culture to the ecological communication theory.


V Shakhovsky

Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University

Romance Philology Chair Institute of Foreign Languages


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