Modern Spanish Joke "Chiste" in Terms of Genre




Joke has a significant place in the Spanish-language system of speech genres and Spanish linguistic culture, and therefore represents a vast field for research. In the article on the material of the modern Spanish joke "chiste" we discuss genre features of this variety of humorous discourse and justify the conclusion that the joke "chiste" is characterized by heterogeneity and incorporates elements of all functional styles: colloquial, publicistic and newspaper, official and scientific. The purpose of this study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the Spanish jokes from the point of view of genre. Material for the study are Spanish jokes taken from collections of anecdotes, periodicals, websites, and we also study this speech genre using samples obtained from Spanish-speaking informants (Iberian version). The main methods of research are descriptive method, traditional linguistic analysis, method of classification and systematization, as well as practical method of comparison of translations.


Y Tarasenkova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Department of Foreign Languages Faculty of Philology


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