Song and poetic text Bella ciao in a mosaic of languages, cultures and arts


The development of textology and intertextuality opens up new perspectives in the interpretation of famous texts, including the song of the Italian Resistance participants Bella ciao . Its numerous polymodal representations in different languages and arts account for the need to systematize them on uniform methodological grounds. The material of the article is the song and poetic text in Italian dialects and in the common Italian neo-standard, its translations into Romance languages, interpretations in Russian, Caucasian and other languages, as well as multimedia and polychannel versions. The goal of the article is to discuss intertextual, semantic and semiotic parameters of the text; to establish the parameters of internal and external intertextuality of the versions of the original text; and to characterize the precedent phenomena serving as the basis for the development and transformation of their aesthetics. The study aims to build and interpret the precedent links and associations of the song Bella ciao in its intertextual transformations; to determine its specificity in the semiocultural conditions of reading and interpretation and at the same time to evaluate its place in the context of Italian and world culture. The methodology is based on a set of methods at the intersection of linguosemiotic, functional and semantic approaches focusing on such parameters of the text as precedence, variation, correlation of linguistic and non-linguistic codes, comparison of the original and translations, polycode, polymodal and translation transformations. The study has established that, as a result of numerous intertextual transformations, the original text expressing unique Italian cultural meanings acquires new interpretations acting as a starting point or the development of both precedent and new plots. It is used as a polycoded intersemiotic model for the creation of new interpretations and, in the long term, becomes a tool for the preservation and reproduction of cultural memory.


Olga Chesnokova

RUDN University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7025-4098

Doctor Habil. (Philology), Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Philology of the RUDN University. Her research interests are literary text semiotics, variation of Spanish (vocabulary, semantics and phraseology), translation studies and onomastics.

Moscow, Russia

Roberta Alonzi

RUDN University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3604-3283

PhD is Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at RUDN University. Her research interests include history of diplomatic relations between Italy and the USSR/Russia, political identity of the European Union, migration and teaching Italian as a foreign language.

Moscow, Russia

Luiza Gishkaeva

RUDN University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7627-5375

PhD, works as Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Philology of RUDN University. Her research interests are comparative study of languages and cultures, discourse analysis, cultural semantics and intercultural communication.

Moscow, Russia


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