Language, culture and ideology in discursive practices




Discursive practices are looked upon as the core notion of discourse theory and the main instrument linguists can operate with studying language in connection with society and a human being. In this introductory article we will look into how language, culture and ideology are intertwined in diverse discursive practices and how these practices are shaped by people representing various cultures, ideologies and social entities. As part of linguistic discourse theory, we will briefly outline the major objectives and tenets of discourse theory or discourse analysis and track down the reasons why discourse theory turned into a dominant linguistic paradigm in the new millennium. Besides, some light will be thrown on the advancements and debatable questions arising within discourse theory as reflected in its methodology. Then we will give a brief synopsis of each individual paper and highlight theoretical and methodological contributions and innovations proposed by our authors. The results of the discussion as well as a brief outlook on future research will be summed up at the end of the introductory article.


Magdaléna Bilá

University of Prešov


Dr. of Philology, Full Professor at the Institute of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts

Prešov, Slovakia

Svetlana Ivanova

Pushkin Leningrad State University


Dr. of Philology, Full Professor, Head of English Philology Department

Saint Petersburg, Russia


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