New Trends in Modern Translation Studies Review of Mishkurov E.N., 2018. “Hermeneutics of Translation” (Theoretical and Methodological Standard). Moscow, 299 p




The article provides a review of E. Mishkurov’s monograph “Hermeneutics of Translation” (Theoretical and Methodological Standard). Attention is drawn to the introduction to scientific use and a comprehensive analysis of the concept of “hermeneutic translation paradigm”, which is based on the hermeneutic-translation methodological standard. It is illustrated that this standard reveals the essence of the translation process and includes four interrelated and complementary stages: pre-understanding, understanding, interpretation and the stage of making a translation decision. The advantages and perspectives of the hermeneutic translation paradigm over existing methodologies in modern translation studies are proved.


Marina Novikova

Russian State University of Justice

Dr., Professor at the Department of Modern Languages at Russian State University of Justice 69, Novocheremushkinskaya str., Moscow, 117418, Russia


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