Determination and description of «migratory groups of the words» in the system of the portuguese language
- Authors: Dolgikh ZB1
- Moscow State Linguistic University
- Issue: No 3 (2009)
- Pages: 45-51
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The article determines the language units' transition from one lexico-grammatical class to another and vice-versa as a «units' migration» giving also a definition of the term «migratory process» in the system of the Portuguese language. These words are unified to «migratory groups», possessing morphological categories common for the lexico-grammatical classes between which they are located or «migrate», according to the article.
About the authors
Z B Dolgikh
Moscow State Linguistic UniversityКафедра португальского языка переводческого факультета; Московский государственный лингвистический университет; Moscow State Linguistic University
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