
Some Reflections on the 40th Anniversary of the War in the South Atlantic : Interview with Boris F. Martynov, Dr. of Sc. (Political Sciences), Professor, Head of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Russia, MGIMO University. Interviewed by A. A. Eremin
Martynov B.F.
“We Are from Biafra”. Igbo Students in the USSR during the Civil War in Nigeria, 1967-1970
Mazov S.V.
Soviet-American and Soviet-Chinese Relations under Y.V. Andropov: An Analysis
Li Y.
Soviet Structural Aid to the Republic of Mali in 1960-1968
Davidchuk A.S., Degterev D.A., Korendyasov E.N.
Soviet Studies of Neocolonialism
Bokeriya S.A., Davidchuk A.S., Degterev D.A., Dubrovskiy I.R., Zhuravleva E.V., Enokyan A.V., Ivkina N.V., Nikulin M.A., Kassaye N.W., Shpakovskaya M.A.
The Victory of Anti-Hitler States in the Second World War. The Lend-lease Factor
Parkhitko N.P.
Unilateral US Withdrawal from the ABM Treaty of 1972 and its Global Consequences
Butorov A.S.
International Context during and after World War II
Protopopov A.S.
First Islamic Conferences of Asia and Africa Countries and the Role of the USSR
Ibatullin A.F.
USSR and the 1966 Coup d’État in Ghana: Based on Materials from Russian Archives
Mazov S.V.
70 years of Great Victory: triumph and “white” spots
Kozmenko V.M.
Historical Parallels
Protopopov A.S.
USSR and Zanzibar in the Years of Its Struggle for Independence and Unification with Tanganyika (Based on Archival Sources)
Balezin A.S.
Failure of the “Typhoon” Operation
Akhtamzyan A.A.
Crimean Referendum: International Legal Aspects
Geistlinger M.
The Cold War and Africa’s Political Culture
Kalu K.
Evolution of Economic Diplomacy in Russian-American Relations
Savoyskiy A.G.
The Main Directions of Russian Policy in Xinjiang
Mavlonova A.S.
“The Soviet delegation considers USSR joining the International Monetary Fund advisable”: Soviet Union and IMF in 1943-1946
Minkova K.V.
The Struggle for the Flexible Response Embracement by NATO and its Influence on the Alliance (1961-1969)
Pilko A.V.
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