
Postcoloniality in Global and Regional Dimensions
Neklessa A.I.
Strategies of Foreign Universities on the ASEAN Educational Market
Asmyatullin R.R.
The Role of the United States in Definition of Japan Military Doctrine 1945—2010
Evdokimov A.D.
International financial institutes and multipolarity challenges
Kuznetsov A.V.
Iran’s potential in fighting international terrorism
Jabari N.H.
Sub-Saharan Africa at the global education market: role of South Africa
Asmyatullin R.R.
Chinese Foreign Trade Dynamics and Change of the Country's Position in World Economy
Rodionova I.A., Parfenov A.I., Shubin V.V.
Postgraduate Studies in PFUR in the context of Top Skills Professional Training for Innovative Russia
Andreeva O.V.
Russia’s Strategies towards BRICS: Problems and Opportunities
Sergunin A.A.
The Analysis of Imperial Character of the USA Foreign Policy
Savchenko Е.О.
Russian Foreign Policy and Public Diplomacy: Meeting 21st Century Challenges
Simons G.
The UN Charter and the New World Order
Grishaeva L.E.
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