Iran’s potential in fighting international terrorism

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Islamic Republic of Iran as a regional country with international capacities can be influential globally. The country’s geopolitical, energetic, cultural and ideological dimensions construct a notable potential for it in the international system. Today, considering the outbreak of religious salafist-takfiri fundamentalism in the Middle East with subsequent outspread of extremism and terrorism across the globe stretching from Asia, Africa, and Europe to America, Iran with its mentioned potentials can enhance its position in world politics through curbing terrorism and firmly fighting against it. In the present article the author analyzes the factors that construct Iran’s anti-terrorist capacity and its influence on the place of this country in modern world politics. He introduces the legal basis of activities of Iran in fight against terrorism, strategic vision of this country in this area. The main directions and formats of contemporary Iran’s counterterrorism cooperation is analyzed. The author expresses an opinion that Iran’s active and effective fight against international terrorism can reduce the expenses of counterterrorism measures in global scale and impair the potential of terrorist groups. This factor will also lead to the strengthening of Iran’s position in the system of international relations, to transformation of its role and rethink of Islamic Republic’s place in contemporary world politics.

About the authors

Nasir Hasan Jabari

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia


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