
Western Balkans: External Actors Before and During the Current Crisis
Arlyapova E.S., Ponomareva E.G.
Influence of Great Britain on Turkish Policy in the Transcaucasia and the Middle East
Gasanov K.N.
International Context during and after World War II
Protopopov A.S.
Devolution in Wales in a Context of the European Regionalism
Orlova A.A.
Illegal Emigration from China to Great Britain
Belchenko A.S., Sharko S.V.
Peculiarities of Great Britain's Participation in the European Integration
Yanshina I.V.
International aspects of the creation of Union of South Africa in 1910
Arkhangelskaya A.A.
Approaches of Leading European Countries toward Transatlantic Security in the beginning of 1990s
Zinnurov R.T., Motuz G.V.
Foreign Policy of Toni Blair Labour Government as a Prerequisite of the Electoral Defeat in 2010
Davidenko E.V.
Twixt Pragmatism and Idealism: British Approaches to the Balkan Policy Revisited (the late 19th/early 20th Century)
Aganson O.I.
The Victory of Anti-Hitler States in the Second World War. The Lend-lease Factor
Parkhitko N.P.
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