The use of interactive mnemonics for the development of communication skills of preschoolers


Problem and purpose. The experience of using mnemonics as a set of methods and techniques in preschool institutions is considered. The purpose of the described research is to ensure the most effective mastering by preschoolers of ideas about the world around them and the development of speech. Methodology. In the course of the research, the analysis of normative documents, psychological and pedagogical experience in the use of mnemonics was carried out, a generalization and systematization of the material on this topic was made, the reflection of the content of the formed knowledge has been done. Results. A proven method of using mnemonics in a preschool institution for the development of speech and understanding the features of the surrounding world is proposed. Step-by-step recommendations are formulated for the implementation of this technology in the organization of the activities of preschoolers. The psychological features of the use of mnemonic techniques, which contribute to the development of not only communication skills, but also the creative activity of children, are revealed. Conclusion. It is shown that the technique of using mnemonics has great potential and should be recommended for dissemination in work with a variety of groups of children with developmental features. At the same time, it was revealed that today in preschool institutions, mnemonics is used mainly in the traditional format, while the integration of the methodology with interactive information technologies is effective. The results of the study allow to draw conclusions about the prospects of the direction of interactive technology of mnemonics, which is faced with a problem of the level of readiness of employees of children's institutions to use them. In general, the research materials confirm that the integration of mnemonic techniques into the play activity of preschoolers corresponds to the age characteristics of children, contributes to the development of creativity, mutual understanding, deepening of interest and curiosity in the world around them.

About the authors

Elena E. Builina

Moscow City University

Author for correspondence.

master’s student of the Department of Informatization of Education

29 Sheremetyevskaya St, Moscow, 127521, Russian Federation

Dora T. Rudakova

Moscow City University


candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Informatization of Education

29 Sheremetyevskaya St, Moscow, 127521, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Builina E.E., Rudakova D.T.

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